Health Discipline in the Media of the Society of Control

The aim of this doctoral study is to discuss how ’proper’ citizenship and the hegemonic health discipline are constructed in popular media, and how the role of medical expertise is renegotiated here. Secondly, it is examined how the mediated health discipline constitutes gender. Thirdly, the study looks for new places of subjectivity and agency in health media and their socio-cultural conditions.

The research material consists of popular health communication materials such as medical tv shows Tohtori Kiminkinen and House M.D. and the Finnish health magazine Kotilääkäri.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation / Pirkanmaa Regional Fund, Niilo Helander Foundation, Emil Aaltonen Foundation

Anna-Maria Mäki-Kuutti

E-mail: maki-kuutti.anna-maria.x(at)