The Post-human Condition – from Media as Extensions to Digital Singularity

I’m involved in questions concerning our (human) relationship with technologies (broadly defined as ‘media’).

My thesis probes the human/(communication) technology relation as a reciprocal process whereby increasingly pervasive media function to constitute original orientations and biases as extensions of human natural capacity. This I find to be an ontological question, which is to say that the human condition has so far been defined by its mediative nature; i.e. all human action is communication of sorts and this communication takes place through various media. Is this condition mutating in the wake of ever quickening information and communication technological development? As such my project is a critique of the prevailing anthropocentric understanding of communication technology as a non-vitalist, instrumental principle that is always compliant to human action.

Researcher: Timo Kylmälä

timo.kylmala at