Time for Change: Finnish Political Journalism in the 2010s

This PhD project looks at changes in Finnish political journalism in the 2010s amidst big societal, technological, economical and cultural transformations. The study is based on the assumption that in these conditions, the political public sphere is also undergoing a transformation, which affects the relationship of journalism to the other actors in the public sphere – citizens and politicians.

The study investigates the direction and scope of changes from the point of view of journalism with the help of case studies, e.g. surveys of political journalists’ professional values, observations of their everyday work and working conditions, and content analyses of political journalism. The project is supervised by Professor Risto Kunelius and supported financially by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Jari Väliverronen
Researcher, M. Soc. Sc.
University of Tampere, School of Communication, Media and Theatre