Ubiquitous Computing in News Media (Ubi)

The research project aims at enlarging our understanding of innovation journalism in Finland and internationally. Innovation journalism was created by Dr. David Nordfors in 2003, and briefly, it is journalism about innovations.

The main research question is: how news media have covered and cover about topics of ubiquitous computing?

The consortium consists of three leading research institutions about innovation journalism in Finland: Department of Communication at University of Jyväskylä, Journalism Research and Development Centre at University of Tampere, and Finland Futures Research Centre at University of Turku. The project cooperates with the world’s leading research groups at Stanford University and Oxford University.

The total research budget is about 670 000 euro for 2011-2012. It is funded by Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, and aforementioned three Finnish universities.

It is usually referred that Mark Weiser coined the phrase “ubiquitous computing” while working as Chief Technologist of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in 1988-1989. Since then the metaphor has been used globally, and it is widely believed that ubiquitous computing will be one of the main trends in future societies. It is linked to other concept like pervasive computing, ambient intelligence, internet of things, and even real-time Web.

Contact person: Professor Risto Kunelius.

Risto.Kunelius at uta.fi

Project leadership: Dr. Turo Uskali, University of Jyväskylä, Dr. Jari Kaivo-oja, University of Turku, and professor Risto Kunelius, University of Tampere.

Research Team: Dr. Maria Lassila-Merisalo (until June 2011), Dr. Maarit Mäkinen (until June 2011), Dr. Sam Inkinen, and MA Ville Kumpu.