Assessment and evaluation in datafied early childhood education (VADA)
Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen varhaiskasvatuksessa (ASKEL)
Childhood policy and early childhood doctoral dissertations
Children’s successful learning situation and self-regulated learning
Early Childhood Educators’ Wellbeing Project (ECEWP)
Early Childhood education: Governance in the era of accountability (EGEIA)
Embodiment, (inter)subjectivity and the construction of children’s agency in learning (2021-2023)
Everyday nationhood in childhood institutions
From Care receivers to Caregivers: a developmental approach to how we learn to care (2021-2023)
Microbial Childhood Collaboratory (MCC)
Microbial Childhood: Restor(y)ing Daycare Ecologies
Professionalism as relational practice doctoral dissertations
Unraveling the embodied engagement in online and face-to-face collaborative learning (2021-2024)
Video recording and the analysis of developmental processes of non-verbal children