Knowing through embodied moving in the city // Studia Generalia, February 14

What dance practice might have to do with sustainability? Welcome to think about that with us to the last session of STUE Studia Generalia lecture series Tuesday 14.2.2023!

The lecture is held in Linna building, Väinö Linna auditorium (Kalevantie 5, Tampere), starting at 17.00 sharp. You can also join online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 619 2320 8649, Passcode: 441882). After the lecture we will continue with an informal get-together in the city center.

Lecture presents questions and findings sprouting from an ongoing collaboration of Insurgent Spatial Practices research collective of Tampere University and fema artist collective. The work of fema dancers could be described as norm bending practices, while Insurgent Spatial Practices collective sees different alternative activities in the city as fascinating sources of knowledge. You can get some insights of the collaboration from a blog written on a workshop held October 2022.

STUE Studia Generalia series offers insights to various topics around urban sustainability, provided by Tampere University researchers from different fields of study. You can find recordings of most of the sessions here: The lectures are free and open for all interested.