2021 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Conference (IFETC)

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On-going now! The IFETC-3 is held August 8-11, 2021 online as a virtual conference

IFETC-3’s Technical Program covers a wide range of cutting-edge developments in printed and flexible electronics. IFETC, started in Ottawa, Canada (2018) is a new EDS-lead international conference, focusing upon printed and flexible hybrid and non-hybrid materials, devices and systems. It will rotate between the Americas, Asia and Europe, heading to Shanghai PRC in 2022. IFETC aims to bring together a wide variety of stakeholders, from chemists, materials scientists, physicists, to mechanical and electrical engineers, the fabrication and manufacturing communities, as well as end-users, e.g. packaging and medical communities.

Proferssor Paul Berger is one of the ornanizers of the conferance and will chair several of the events sessions. Professor Matti Mäntysalo will also chair session on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th.

More information: IFETC-3

Technical Program