Head of Laboratory

Mika Valden
- Professor
- Vice Dean for Education
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358408490261
Research topics
Our research activities are focused on surface science studies relevant to applications ranging from corrosion to nanotechnology. In particular we are internationally renowned for our scientific expertise in electron spectroscopy.
Currently we investigate artificial photosynthesis, where solar energy is converted into chemical energy through two photocatalytic charge transfer reactions: water dissociation into hydrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide reduction into CO and hydrocarbons.
We are also investigating the molecular processes of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and how the ALD growth mechanism can be adjusted to control the thin film properties when the thin films are utilized in photonic materials and semiconductor nanomaterials.
We are using synchrotron light mediated research methods in all our projects. In particular, we have unique access to MAX IV Laboratory , which is one of the newest and the brightest synchrotron radiation facilities in the world. Our unique access stems from our significant investments and long-term collaborative effort with Senior Scientist Mika Hirsimäki and MAX IV on designing and building a new beamline FinEstBeaMS at MAX IV.
Research unit
Research career
Professor of Physics, Tampere University, 2019 –
Professor of Physics, Tampere University of Technology, 2005 – 2018.
Teaching Instructor, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, 2011 –
Academy Research Fellow, Academy of Finland, 1999 – 2004.
Lecturer of Physics, TUT, 1999 – 2004.
Postdoctoral Scholar, Texas A&M University, USA, 1997 – 1998.
FIRI project “FinEstBeaMS” funded by Academy of Finland for design and construction of materials science beamline FinEstBeaMS at MAX IV Laboratory, 2011 – 2018.
FIRI project ”NanoMAT Laboratory” funded by Academy of Finland for synthesis and research of nanostructured photonic materials featuring spectromicroscopy and an ALD reactor (Atomic Layer Deposition), 2011– 2015.
Scientific advisor of a spin-off company, Plasmonics Oy for commercialization of our research expertise in photocatalytic coatings, 2020 –
Väisälä Award from the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters in 2011.
Academy Research Fellow, Academy of Finland, 1999 – 2004.
We conduct research on phenomena at surfaces and interfaces of photonic materials, biomaterials, metal and semiconductor alloys and nanostructured materials. The main objective is to gain insight into the physicochemical surface and interface properties and to develop novel materials by functionalizing surfaces at the nanometer scale. I also share a great interest towards engineering pedagogy.
Teacher Instructor for university teacher's pedagogical qualification in pedagogy and educational sciences at Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University.
Member of the Board of Directors of Plasmonics Oy and Liquid Sun Oy.
M. Hannula, H. Ali-Löytty, K. Lahtonen, E. Sarlin, J. Saari, and M. Valden, Improved stability of ALD grown amorphous TiO2 photoelectrode coatings by thermally induced oxygen defects, Chemistry of Materials 30(4), 1199–1208 (2018).
H. Ali-Löytty, M. Hannula, T. Juuti, Y. Niu, A. A. Zakharov, and M. Valden, The role of (FeCrSi)2(MoNb)-type Laves phase on the formation of Mn-rich protective oxide scale on ferritic stainless steel, Corrosion Science 132, 214–222 (2018).
V. Hynninen, L. Vuori, M. Hannula, K. Tapio, K. Lahtonen, T. Isoniemi, E. Lehtonen, M. Hirsimäki, J. J. Toppari, M. Valden, and V. Hytönen, Improved antifouling properties and selective biofunctionalization of stainless steel by employing heterobifunctional silane-polyethylene glycol overlayers and avidin-biotin technology, Scientific Reports 6, 29324 (2016).
X. Lai, T.P. St. Clair, M. Valden, and D.W. Goodman, Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of metal clusters supported on TiO2(110): Morphology and electronic structure, Progress in Surface Science 59(1-4), 25-52 (1998).
M. Valden, X. Lai, D. W. Goodman, Onset of Catalytic Activity of Gold Clusters on Titania with the Appearance of Nonmetallic Properties, Science 281, pp. 1647-1650 (1998).
Senior Scientists

Kimmo Lahtonen
- Senior Scientist
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
About me
Senior Scientist of research infrastructures and Postdoc in Experimental Surface Science at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, specialized in Ultrahigh Vacuum Systems, Electron Spectroscopy, Spectromicroscopy, Atomic Layer Deposition, and Surface Studies utilizing Synchrotron Radiation.
Working in university research projects
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Measurement, analysis, and R&D services for companies, universities, and organizations
- Surface analysis and chemical composition mapping
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Spectromicroscopy
- Atomic Layer Deposition
Development, maintenance, and user training of Research Infrastructures at Photonics Laboratory, that are included in FIRI (Academy of Finland's National Finnish Research Infrastructures) and FinnLight (Finnish National Infrastructure for Light-Based Technologies)
Material Characterization of Physics
- Modular Ultrahigh Vacuum Systems for in-situ sample preparation and surface analysis
- Scienta Omicron NanoESCA Spectromicroscope for imaging PEEM, XPS, UPS
- Scienta Omicron Argus Electron Spectrometer for imaging and selected area XPS
- VG Scientific ESCA3000 Electron Spectrometer for conventional XPS
- RHK UHV 300 Variable Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Attension Theta Optical Tensiometer for contact angle measurement
- Picosun Sunale R200 Advanced Atomic Layer Deposition Reactor
- Focus EFM-3T Evaporator for physical vapour deposition
- Focus EFM H Atomic Hydrogen Source for cleaning, reduction, etching, and passivation
- Henniker HPT-100 Plasma Surface Treater for surface activation, cleaning, oxidation, and modification
- Carbolite Gero Tube Furnace for annealing in air and nitrogen
- Sample preparation and surface modification methods in UHV/HV/plasma/liquid: Radiative and Electron Beam Annealing, Evaporation, Electrospraying, Oxidation, Reduction, Gas exposures
- Scienta Omicron ISE 5 Cold Cathode Ion Sputter Source for Ar+ ion sputtering, N2 activated ion bombardment, surface cleaning, bulk cleaning when combined with UHV annealing induced segregation of impurities
- Creekside Technologies Rastering Ion Bombardment Gun for XPS depth profiling
- Generation of Ultra High Vacuum for special purposes using Turbomolecular, Ion, and Titanium Sublimation Pumps
Photonics Measurement and Testing
- Asahi Spectra MAX-350 UV-VIS Xenon Light Source and CMS-100 Monochromator
- Asahi Spectra HAL-C100 Solar Simulator
- Autolab PGSTAT12 and PGSTAT204 Electrochemical Instruments
- Electrochemical Cells
- Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 Gas Chromatograph
Research unit
Research fields
Physics and Surface Science
- Surfaces and Interfaces
- Thin Films
- Instrumentation
- Analysis Techniques
- Synchrotron Radiation
- Material Characterization
- Chemical Composition Mapping
- Surface States
- Oxidation and Reduction
- Diffusion
- Reconstruction
- Crystallization
- Nanostructures
- Surface Modification and Functionalization
- Photonic Materials
- Artificial Photosynthesis
- Photoactive Nanostructured Materials
Materials Science and Technology
- Functional Materials
- Semiconductors
- Metals
- Alloys
- Coatings
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Surface Structures
- Nanoparticles
Energy Engineering
- Fuel Cells
- Solar Energy
- Renewable Energy
Chemical Engineering
- Catalysis
Halide Engineering in Mixed Halide Perovskite-Inspired Cu2AgBiI6 for Solar Cells with Enhanced Performance
Vipinraj Sugathan, Liu, M., Pecoraro, A., Das, T. K., Ruoko, T. P., Grandhi, G. K., Manna, D., Ali-Löytty, H., Lahtonen, K., Muñoz-García, A. B., Pavone, M. & Vivo, P., 2024, julkaisussa: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 16, 15, s. 19026-19038Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Lattice Engineering via Transition Metal Ions for Boosting Photoluminescence Quantum Yields of Lead-Free Layered Double Perovskite Nanocrystals
Liu, M., Matta, S. K., Said, T. A., Liu, J., Matuhina, A., Al-Anesi, B., Ali-Löytty, H., Lahtonen, K., Russo, S. P. & Vivo, P., 29 toukok. 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) julkaisussa: Small.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Optimizing Hafnium Oxide Thin-Film Dielectrics: Developing a Novel Atomic Layer Deposition Recipe
Forouzmehr, M., Tewari, A., Lahtonen, K., Lupo, D. & Berger, P. R., 2024, 2024 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC). IEEE, 4 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Antimony-Bismuth Alloying: The Key to a Major Boost in the Efficiency of Lead-Free Perovskite-Inspired Photovoltaics
Al-Anesi, B., Grandhi, G. K., Pecoraro, A., Sugathan, V., Viswanath, N. S. M., Ali-Löytty, H., Liu, M., Ruoko, T.-P., Lahtonen, K., Manna, D., Toikkonen, S., Muñoz-García, A. B., Pavone, M. & Vivo, P., 15 marrask. 2023, julkaisussa: Small. 19, 46, 2303575.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Corrigendum to “Pinhole-resistant nanocrystalline rutile TiO2 photoelectrode coatings” [Acta Materialia 239 (2022) 118257] (Acta Materialia (2022) 239, (S1359645422006371), (10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118257))
Palmolahti, L., Ali-Löytty, H., Hannula, M., Saari, J., Wang, W., Tukiainen, A., Lahtonen, K. & Valden, M., 1 toukok. 2023, julkaisussa: Acta Materialia. 249, 118818.Tutkimustuotos: Keskustelupuheenvuoro › Tieteellinen
Effect of graphene oxide fibre surface modification on low-velocity impact and fatigue performance of flax fibre reinforced composites
Javanshour, F., Prapavesis, A., Lahtonen, K., Pournoori, N., Pärnänen, T., Kanerva, M., Van Vuure, A. W. & Sarlin, E., heinäk. 2023, julkaisussa: Composites Part C: Open Access. 11, 100360.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Less Is More: Simplified Fluorene-Based Dopant-Free Hole Transport Materials Promote the Long-Term Ambient Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells
Mäkinen, P., Fasulo, F., Liu, M., Grandhi, G. K., Conelli, D., Al-Anesi, B., Ali-Löytty, H., Lahtonen, K., Toikkonen, S., Suranna, G. P., Muñoz-García, A. B., Pavone, M., Grisorio, R. & Vivo, P., 2023, julkaisussa: Chemistry of Materials. 35, 7, s. 2975–2987Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Surface and optical properties of phase-pure silver iodobismuthate nanocrystals
Matuhina, A., Grandhi, G. K., Bergonzoni, A., Pedesseau, L., Grisorio, R., Annurakshita, S., Ali-Löytty, H., Varghese, R., Lahtonen, K., Volonakis, G., Pecunia, V., Bautista, G., Even, J. & Vivo, P., 22 elok. 2023, julkaisussa: Nanoscale. 15, 36, s. 14764-14773 10 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Triple A-Site Cation Mixing in 2D Perovskite-Inspired Antimony Halide Absorbers for Efficient Indoor Photovoltaics
Lamminen, N., Grandhi, M., Fasulo, F., Hiltunen, A., Pasanen, H., Liu, M., Al-Anesi, B., Efimov, A., Ali-Löytty, H., Lahtonen, K., Mäkinen, P., Matuhina, A., Munoz-Garcia, A. B., Pavone, M. & Vivo, P., 27 tammik. 2023, julkaisussa: Advanced Energy Materials. 13, 4, 2203175.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Water-resistant perovskite-inspired copper/silver pnictohalide nanocrystals for photoelectrochemical water splitting
Liu, M., Grandhi, G. K., Al-Anesi, B., Ali-Löytty, H., Lahtonen, K., Grisorio, R. & Vivo, P., 2023, julkaisussa: Electrochimica Acta. 462, 142734.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Mika Hirsimäki
- Senior Scientist
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358505391839
The best way to reach me is via email. I prefer to have the phone calls and Teams sessions pre-booked to ensure that there is sufficient time and no distractions.
About me
I am a Senior Scientist in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. I am an Adjunct Professor in Materials Physics and my field of research is the investigation of physicochemical phenomena at surfaces and interfaces, and functionalization of surfaces.
National research infrastructure: MAX IV Laboratory
My core task as a Senior Scientist is to facilitate the utilization of MAX IV Laboratory (MAX IV) in the research conducted at Tampere University. MAX IV is a synchrotron light source and it is on the Roadmap for Finnish Research Infrastructures. It is located in Lund, Sweden, and operated by the Lund University. The state-of-the-art experimental methods MAX IV offers for materials research are not available in Finland. Using synchrotron light in materials research has applications in a multitude of fields: e.g. photonics, materials for renewable energy, bio- and nanomaterials, and biomedical materials.
Research time at MAX IV is highly competed for and available via application process. Research time is granted based on the scientific merits of proposals. Finland is committed both financially and politically to supporting MAX IV. In return for the Finnish investments in MAX IV, Finnish researchers have access to national research time at MAX IV in addition to the time granted via general beamtime calls. On a national level, the collaboration with MAX IV is coordinated by the FIMAX-consortium .
My responsibility is to use my expertise and network of experts (e.g. Prof. Mika Valden's group) to work with the research groups at Tampere University and find out how MAX IV can advance their research, successfully compete for research time, co-author successful grant applications on topics utilizing MAX IV, and use the state-of-the-art facilities at MAX IV to produce top-tier science. My goal is to facilitate efficient use of MAX IV's advanced methods and thereby help to increase the future impact of our research and success of our funding applications.
Developing MAX IV research infrastructure
Via Prof. Mika Valden's Surface Science Laboratory, Tampere University is a member of a Finnish-Estonian FIRI-consortium that designed and implemented an entire new MAX IV beamline (FinEstBeaMS) for materials research. Tampere is responsible for implementing a FinEstBeaMS research station for studying surfaces and interfaces of solid state matter, and my responsibility is to coordinate the effort. At present, the research station is being commissioned and the goal is to get it open for users in 2021.
Providing scientific expertise
In addition to the aforementioned responsibilities, I work as a scientific expert for international research funding institutions and conduct my own original research.
Field of expertise
I have over 20 years of experience in the experimental research of physicochemical phenomena at surfaces and interfaces. My specialty is the use of synchrotron light mediated photoelectron spectroscopy for elucidating the composition, electronic structure, morphology and reactive properties of solid state surfaces.
2007-2011 Lecturer in Physics: I was responsible for operating and developing the Physics Department's teaching laboratory. I also lectured a solid state physics course.
1994-2007 Teacher (Physics): I was the lecturer on several fundamental physics courses and surface science courses.
I have supervised three M.Sc. Theses and I am currently a second supervisor for a PhD thesis.
Research topics
Synchrotron, synchrotron radiation, synchrotron light, MAX, MAX IV, surface science, nanomaterials, materials research, physics, chemical physics.
Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Ankit Mishra
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504674031
About me
Post-Doctoral Research Scientist: Dr. Ankit Mishra completed his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2023 from the CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, specializing in the synthesis, characterization, and application of catalytic materials for renewable fuel production. His doctoral research focused on photo- and electrocatalysis, particularly CO₂ reduction and water-splitting reactions. During his thesis work, he also explored thermo-catalysis for preparing bio-derived jet fuel (from non-edible oils). Currently, his research is centered on photocatalyst design and their application for artificial photosynthesis. Dr. Mishra has an h-index of 7, with over 92 citations, reflecting his contributions to the field of sustainable energy and catalysis.

Abdul Razzaq
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358505747089
Doctoral Researchers

Bela Bhuskute
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504784791

Tuomas Tinus
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University

Kalle Lehtola
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University
Research Assistants
Dhanushi Srinivasan
- Research Assistant
- Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Tampere University