2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1990
Miska Saikkonen, Valokatalyyttisen vedyntuotannon tehostaminen nanopartikkelipinnan magneettisia ja plasmonisia ominaisuuksia muokkaamalla : Nanopartikkelien vaikutus valokatalyytin peittyvyyteen, B.Sc., 2024.
Dhanushi Srinivasan, Stabilising Ag / TiO2 catalysts with area-selective ALD overlayers for artificial photosynthesis, B.Sc., 2024.
Rasmus Mäkipää, Titaanidioksidin polymorfiset muodot valosähkökemiallisessa veden hajottamisessa, B.Sc., 2024.
Veikka Hyvönen, Plasmoniset TiO2-ohutkalvorakenteet aurinkopolttoaineiden tuotannossa, B.Sc., 2023.
Jussi Hämelahti, Titaanidioksidin stabiilisuus valosähkökemiallisessa veden pilkkomisessa, M.Sc., 2023.
Jesse Saari, Defect, Phase, and Interface Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition for Solar Fuel Production, D.Sc., 2022.
Tuomas Tinus, Multilayer thin film -based hyperspectral camouflage coatings, M.Sc., 2022.
Kalle Lehtola, Atomikerroskasvatuksen lämpötilan vaikutus titaanidioksidin optisiin ominaisuuksiin, B.Sc., 2022.
Laura Ala-Hakuni, Atomikerroskasvatettujen titaanidioksidiohutkalvojen pelkistymisen tutkiminen synkrotroniviritteisellä fotoelektronispektroskopialla, B.Sc., 2021.
Miska Mettälä, Atomikerroskasvatetun kuparioksidikatalyytin käyttö hiilineutraalien aurinkopolttoaineiden valmistuksessa, B.Sc., 2021.
Jussi Hämelähti, Atomikerroskasvatuksessa titaanidioksidiin muodostuvien typpiepäpuhtauksien syntytapa ja merkitys, B.Sc., 2021.
Jenni Pirhonen, Positroniemissiotomografia, B.Sc., 2021.
Jesper Leppinen, Aurinkoenergian varastointi aurinkopolttoaineiksi, B.Sc., 2021.
Benjamin Kavanagh, Crystallisation of amorphous TiO2 during vacuum annealing studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, B.Sc., 2021.
Senni Kettunen, Typen vaikutus titaanidioksidin kiteytymiseen tyhjiölämmityksen aikana, B.Sc., 2021.
Jimi Kokkonen, Keinotekoisessa fotosynteesissä käytettävissä elektrodeissa tapahtuva segregaatio lämmityksen aikana, B.Sc., 2020.
Severi Mäkelä, Depth Profiling of Composition in MBE Grown III–V/Ge Solar Cells, M.Sc., 2020.
Riina Ulkuniemi, Uniformity and repeatability of wafer level ICP-RIE etching for semiconductor lasers, M.Sc., 2020.
Markku Hannula, Atomic Layer Deposited Titanium Dioxide Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, D.Sc., 2019.
Eero Kaaja, Determining absolute sky background by using imaging sensors in MWIR-wavelength band, M.Sc., 2019.
Tuomas Tinus, Photocatalyst Performance Evaluation through Methylene Blue Photodecomposition, B.Sc., 2019.
Iida Okkonen, Kasvatuspinnan vaikutus atomikerroskasvatuksen alkuvaiheen kasvunopeuteen, B.Sc., 2019.
Eedit Koivukangas, Pintatilojen tilatiheyden vaikutus keinotekoisen fotosynteesin valovirtaan hematiittipohjaisilla ohutkalvoilla, B.Sc., 2019.
Cliona Shakespeare, Intermixing, morphology, and charge transfer mechanism of the Ni/am-TiO2 system, M.Sc., 2018.
Lauri Palmolahti, Optimization of photoactivity of electrodeposited hematite thin films for solar water splitting, M.Sc., 2017.
Jesse Saari, Properties of Atomic Layer Deposited Titanium Dioxide Film in Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, M.Sc., 2017.
Cliona Shakespeare, Atomikerroskasvatetun Titaanioksidiohutkalvon Valokatalyyttisten Ominaisuuksien Parantaminen Lämpökäsittelyllä, B.Sc., 2017.
Riina Ulkuniemi, Atomikerroskasvatettujen titaanidioksidi- ja alumiinioksidiohutkalvojen taitekertoimien määritys aallonpituuden funktiona, B.Sc., 2017.
Aleksi Tikka, Ruostumattoman teräksen pinnan tutkiminen käyttäen röntgenherätteistä absorptiospektroskopiaa, B.Sc., 2017.
Setareh Zakeri, Impact of doping agent and processing parameters on spray drying the alumina nanocomposite colloidal suspensions, M.Sc., 2016.
Amanda Attobrah, Preparation and Aerosolization Studies of Fine Powders Composed of Poorly Soluble Drugs for Pulmonary Drug Delivery, M.Sc., 2016.
Caleb Stetson, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for Chemical State Imaging of Surface Micro- and Nanostructures, M.Sc., 2015.
Peter Heinemann, Corrosion Protection of Magnesium Alloys via Diffusion Coatings by the Slurry Coating Method, M.Sc., 2015.
Jesse Saari, Effect of Atomic Layer Deposition Growth Temperature on Element Concentration and Growth Rate of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films, B.Sc., 2015.
Leena Vuori, Nanofabrication and Adsorption Studies of Organic Molecules on Metal and Metal Alloy Surfaces as Templates for Biofunctional Applications, D.Sc., 2014.
Harri Ali-Löytty, Microalloying mediated segregation and interfacial oxidation of FeCr alloys for solid-oxide fuel cell applications, D.Sc., 2013.
Markku Hannula, Effect of silanization parameters on the composition of the biofunctional mixed silane thin film synthesized on electrochemically passivated austenitic steel, M.Sc., 2013.
Tommi Laattala, Surface analytical study of the effects of segregation on the initial oxidation stages of Fe-17Cr(100) surface, M.Sc., 2012.
Annaleena Valla, Electron spectroscopy study of initial states of biodegradation of a porous composite, M.Sc., 2012.
Jaakko Mäkelä, Influence of molybdenum on the high-temperature oxidation behavior of stabilized ferritic stainless steel, M.Sc., 2011.
Tero Liimatainen, Segregation phenomena on clean and oxidized iron-chromium alloy studied by Auger electron spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction, M.Sc., 2010.
Markku Hannula, Biofunctionalization of Electrochemically Passivated Austenitic Stainless Steel by Silane Coating, B.Sc., 2010.
Jaakko Mäkelä, Nb-Ti-stabiloidun ferriittisen ruostumattoman teräksen passiivikalvon tutkimus syvyysprofiloimalla, B.Sc., 2010
Petri Jussila, Advances in nanoscale functionalization of stainless steel surfaces, D.Sc., 2009.
Marko Ahonen, Adsorption dynamics studies on the nanoscale oxidation of clean and structurally modified Cu(100) surface, D.Sc., 2008.
Kimmo Lahtonen, Oxygen adsorption-induced nanostructures on copper and silver-copper alloy surfaces investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spectroscopy, D.Sc., 2008.
Olli Tarvainen, Oxidation of clean and manganese precovered (100)-surface of Fe-17Cr stainless steel studied by electron spectroscopy, M.Sc., 2008.
Harri Ali-Löytty, Electron spectroscopy analysis of electrochemically passivated ferritic Fe-17Cr stainless steel, M.Sc., 2008.
Antti Pasanen, Manipulation of scanning tunneling microscope tip for atomic resolution imaging in ultra high vacuum, M.Sc., 2008.
Mikko Koskela, A study of the oxide nanostructures on the ferritic Fe-17Cr stainless steel using the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, M.Sc., 2007.
Niina Jokinen, Oxide nanostructures on N/Cu(100)- and Ag/Cu(100)-surfaces studied by surface science methods: Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), M.Sc., 2007.
Juha Kauppinen, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of reducing and aging of three-way catalysts containing palladium, M.Sc., 2007.
Markus Lampimäki, Oxidation induced nanostructures on copper, copper-silver alloy and austenitic steel surfaces studied by electron spectroscopic methods, D.Sc., 2007.
Anu Pajunoja, Scanning tunneling microscopy analysis of oxygen-induced structures on clean and silver pre-covered Cu(100) single crystal surface, M.Sc., 2007.
Miika Räisänen, Auger electron spectroscopy study of surface phenomena on austenitic stainless steel single crystal with ErLEED 3000D apparatus, M.Sc., 2006.
Anne Verho, Low energy electron diffraction investigation of clean and oxidized Fe-20Cr-18Ni(111) austenitic stainless steel surface, M.Sc., 2006.
Marjut Vähänen, Surface oxidation of copper and copper based materials and segregation of alloying elements studied with surface analytical methods, Lic.Tech., 2006.
Petri Jussila, An electron spectroscopic study of alloying effects on oxide nanostructure formation of austenitic steel, M.Sc., 2006.
Katri Luntamo, An electron spectroscopic study of the surface oxidation of austenitic stainless steel, M.Sc., 2005.
Pasi Junell, Molecular beam surface scattering studies of CO and O2 adsorption processes on clean and modified Pd{110} and Cu{100} surfaces, D.Sc., 2004.
Raija Polvinen, Synergistic effects and influence of aging treatments on supported noble metal catalysts, D.Sc., 2004.
Ulla Haapanen, Oxidation and segration behaviour of Cu(Ag) alloy: surface analytical XPS study, M.Sc., 2004.
Marko Ahonen, Adsorption dynamics of O2 on modified Cu(100) surfaces studied by molecular beam surface scattering, M.Sc., 2004.
Outi Mustonen, The influence of impurity atoms on adsorption dynamics of O2 on Cu(100) studied by molecular beam surface scattering, M.Sc., 2004.
Jenni Marttinen, Oxidation and segregation of alloyed oxygen free copper, M.Sc., 2003.
Saila-Maritta Huutola, XPS study of the synergistic effect of platinum and rhodium in automotive exhaust gas catalysts, M.Sc., 2002.
Riku Kosunen, Interpretation of X-ray photoelectron spectra using database systems, M.Sc., 2002.
Sami Suhonen, Aging induced effects on noble metal oxides on exhaust catalysts studied by photoelectron spectroscopy, D.Sc., 2002.
Anja Mikkola, Surface characterisation of oxide film formation on aluminium bronze, M.Sc., 2002.
Sari Oksavuori, Study of the oxidation-reduction behaviour of supported rhodium catalysts by XPS combined with thermal decomposition, M.Sc., 2001.
Mika Hirsimäki, Structure sensitivity and energy dependence of activated and non-activated surface processes on palladium model catalysts, D.Sc., 2001.
Anne-Maria Vainionpää, Effect of Ce-Zr mixed oxides on the chemical state and deactivation of rhodium in three-way automotive exhaust catalysts, M.Sc., 2000.
Sonja Pusa, Surface characterisation of nanostructured zinc, M.Sc., 2000.
Marko Niemi, Surface reaction dynamics studies of methane on Pd{110} model catalyst, M.Sc., 2000.
Pasi Nieminen, Transient kinetics of CO oxidation on palladium model catalyst surfaces, M.Sc., 2000.
Marjut Vähänen, Characterisation of oxide layers of DHP-copper – Advanced surface analysis methods, M.Sc., 1999.
Juha Pere, Time-of-flight analysis of supersonic molecular beams for surface reactions dynamics studies, Lic.Tech., 1999.
Reijo Roininen, The influence of aging on the noble metal dispersion of the three-way catalysts, M.Sc., 1998.
Sami Suhonen, Pseudo-binary oxides in automotive exhaust catalysts, M.Sc., 1997.
Mika Hirsimäki, NO reduction kinetics on Pd{110} model catalyst, M.Sc., 1996.
Mika Valden, Application of modern surface science methods to heterogeneous catalysis: Case studies in surface structure analysis, surface reaction dynamics and kinetics, D.Sc., 1996.
Juha Pere, Activated adsorption of CH4: reactive molecular beam surface scattering study, M.Sc., 1995.
Janne Aaltonen, Transient kinetics of CO oxidation on industrial noble metal catalysts, M.Sc., 1994.
Mika Valden, Molecular beam-surface scattering studies of the gas-surface interaction, Lic.Tech., 1993.
Mika Valden, Adsorption of benzene on Pd{110} studied by angle-resolved ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, M.Sc., 1990.