
Research Director of TAPRI

Marko Lehti
- Research Director of Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
- Academic Director of MA programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research (PEACE)
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358401901595
About me
I am a Research Director of Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) and an academic director of MA programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research.
PI of PROFI7 Sustainable Security Practices (SUPRA) at Faculty of Social Sciences.
Field of expertise
My research in the field of peace and conflict research focusses currently on peace mediation and peacebuilding, multilateralism and changing global order, the idea of Nordic peace, and agonistic peace. In my research, I have also dealt with transnational encounters, identifications as well as perceptions of Europe’s imaginary dividing lines among others in the Baltic countries, the Nordics, the South Caucasus, Ukraine, and the Balkans.
Research topics
- Politics of Memory and Conflict Transformation
- Peace Mediation
- Agonistic Peacebuilding
- Multilateralism and global governance
- History of Peacemaking
- Ontological (In)security and Representations of Crises
Current projects: PI of PROFI7 Sustainable Security Practices (SUPRA) at Faculty of Social Sciences as well as Curriculum Reform to Promote Education for Peace in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova (PeaceEdu) (ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-2) and CEE Security Hub (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02)
Past projects: OSCE Network project “Cross-regional Corridors of Dialogue: Developing a Complementing Track for Transforming Long-standing Conflicts” (2018-19) German MFA.
(2024) Christopher Browning, Marko Lehti & Johan Strang, Nordic Peace in Question: A Region of and for Peace. Nordic Studies in Global Context. Routledge.
(2024) Marko Lehti, “Agonistic Peacebuilding” in Routledge Handbook of Peacebuilding, 2nd edition, ed. Roger Mac Ginty. London: Routledge, pp. 138-149.
(2022) Marko Lehti & Vadim Romashov, “Suspending the Antagonism: Situated Agonistic Peace in a Border Bazaar”, (with Vadim Romashov), Third World Quarterly, 43:6, 1288-1306
(2020) Marko Lehti, Henna-Riikka Pennanen & Jukka Jouhki (eds), Contestations of Liberal Order. The West in Crisis?, Palgrave.
(2019) Marko Lehti. The Era of Private Peacemakers. A New Dialogic Approach to Mediation (Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, Palgrave,)
(2014) “The Quest for Solidarity and Tamed Nationalism: Envisioning Sustainable Peace in the Balkans”, Peace & Change. A Journal of Peace Research 39(1): 101-132.
(2010) Marko Lehti & Christopher Brwoning (eds.), The Struggle for the West. Divided and Contested Legacy of the West. Routledge.
TAPRI Community

Prince Agyei
- Project Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358401601020
About me
I am a PhD candidate at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), Faculty of Social Sciences at Tampere University, Finland. My doctoral research analyses the intractability of latent communal violence in Ghana.
Research topics
- Everyday Peace
- Visual Peace
- Nonviolent Civil Resistance
- Sub-Saharan
Kynsilehto, A., Agyei, P., & Maiche, K. (2023). Peace, security and democracy support in West Africa. (2023 ed.) (Publications of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs; No. 2).
Agyei, P. D. (2020). Behind the intractability of communal conflicts in Africa: The case of the Nkonya–Alavanyo conflict in Ghana. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication.
Prince Agyei & Frank Möller (2019). Everyday insecurity and its visualisation, Critical Studies on Security, 7:2, 152-155.

Bayan Arouri
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
I am a doctoral researcher at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPPRI). I completed my M.A. in Human Rights and Human Development at the University of Jordan.
Field of expertise
My current Ph.D. research focuses on everyday violence and peace practices within Syrian refugee communities in Jordan and Finland. This study envisages a renewed conceptualization of peace in forced migration based on lived realities. It aims to rethink the understanding(s) of violence and peace forms within refugee communities through a decolonial lens. To do so, it builds on ethnographic methodologies and post-colonial feminist theories that locate the primary source of knowledge in the experiences of marginalized groups.
Research topics
- Everyday Peace & Epistemic Violence in the So-called Middle East
- Mobility & Forced Displacement
- Critical Development & Humanitarianism
- Decolonial & Postcolonial Feminism
- Everyday Resistance and Resilience
- Ethnographic Methodologies
(1) Finnish National Agency for Education 2022 (2) Finnish Cultural Foundation 2023 (3)The Finnish Institute in the Middle East, travel grant for an ethnographic fieldwork trip

Zahra Edalati
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358503226092
About me
PhD researcher in Peace and Conflict Research at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI). I hold a master’s degree in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research from Tampere University and completed another master degree in communication and journalism in Iran prior to studying in Finland.
Field of expertise
My research focuses on women’s rights activism in Iran and the possibility of working across differences. I wrote my MA thesis on Everyday Peace: Iranian Women’s Movement and Peaceful Transformation in Tapri and in my PhD I am exploring mechanisms of working across differences among Iranian women’s rights activists in Iran and in the diaspora.
Research topics
- Feminist Peace
- Decolonial Feminism
- Everyday peace
- Diaspora
Asking for solidarity: Embodied feminist practices in digital space. (with Heba Sigurdardotti and Majid Imani), Journal of Gender and Development, 2024.
Imperial wars and the violence of hunger: remembering and forgetting the Great Persian Famine 1917–1919 (with Majid Imani), Third World Quarterly, 2023
Am I a “Good’ Woman?”: Everyday Experiences of Non-White Women in a “Country of Gender Equalit”,Finland (with Majid Imani), in ‘Rethinking Integration: Challenging Oppressive Practices and Pointing to Ways Forward’ edited by Karimi et al. Finland: Migration Institute of Finland, 2023
Ukrainan sodan vaikutukset, konfliktit ja kehitys globaalissa Etelässä (with Violeta Gutiérres-Zamora, Bonn Juego, Gutu Wayessa & Tiina Seppälä), Kosmopolis, 2023

Élise Féron
- Senior Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358503187631
About me
Docent and a senior research fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (Finland). Lecturer for the MA in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research. Before moving to Finland, I held permanent positions at the University of Kent (UK) and at Sciences Po Lille (France).
I hold an Accreditation to Supervise Research (Docent) and a PhD in Political Science from the University of Lille (France, 2003 and 1999).
Invited professor at the University of Louvain (Belgium), at the University of Turin (Italy), at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), at Sciences Po Lille (France) and at the Université Lumière de Bujumbura (Burundi).
Field of expertise
Chaired 7 major international projects over the past 15 years, funded by the EU (FP6, FP7, EuropeAid, Interreg IVC), the KONE Foundation and the Academy of Finland.
I have collected data in various so-called “conflict” or “post-conflict” areas, such as Eastern Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Northern Ireland, Cyprus, the South Caucasus and the Balkans, among other places.
Research topics
- Conflict-generated diaspora politics
- Conflict prevention
- Gender and peace negotiations
- Masculinities and conflicts
- Sexual violence in conflict settings
- Post-colonial interstate relations
Books and journal special issues (past 2 years)
(2023) Diasporas and Transportation of Homeland Conflicts: Inter-group Dynamics and Host Country Responses. Special Issue of Ethnopolitics. Edited with Bahar Baser.
(2021) Diasporas and Conflict Transportation: Challenges and Creative Practices. Tampere: TAPRI Book Series. Edited in collaboration with Cæcilie Svop Jensen.
(2021) Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. London and New York: Routledge. Edited in collaboration with Tarja Väyrynen, Swati Parashar, and Catia C. Confortini.
Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters (past 2 years)
(2023) “Pathways to Conflict Transportation and Autonomisation: The Armenian Diaspora and the Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh” (with Bahar Baser), Ethnopolitics.
(2023) “Diasporas and Transportation of Homeland Conflicts: Inter-group Dynamics and Host Country Responses” (with Bahar Baser), Ethnopolitics.
(2023) “Wartime Sexual Violence”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies.
(2023) “Conflict memories and sexual and gender-based violence.” In Eric Sangar, Valérie Rosoux, Anne Bazin and Emmanuelle Hébert (eds.), Memory Fragmentation from Below and Beyond the State: Uses of the Past in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings, London: Routledge: 47-60.
(2022) “Embodied Reconciliation: A New Research Agenda” (with Roddy Brett, Richard English and Valérie Rosoux), Peacebuilding
(2022) “Power/Resistance: External Actors, Local Agency and the Burundian Peacebuilding Project” (with Keith Krause), European Journal of International Security.
(2022) “Understanding Conflicts as Clouds: An Exploration of Northern Irish Conflict Narratives” (with Sofiya Voytiv), Globalizations.
(2022) “Diasporas, Home Conflicts, and Conflict Transportation in Countries of Settlement.” In Liam Kennedy (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Diaspora Diplomacy. London and New York: Routledge: 296-306.
(2021) Exploring the Potential of Cross-Regional Dialogue Platforms in Protracted Conflict Settings” (with Marko Lehti, Vadim Romashov & Sebastian Relitz), Journal of Dialogue Studies, 9: 97-119.
(2021) “Toward a Theory of Diaspora Formation through Conflict Deterritorialization” (with Sofiya Voytiv), Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 21(3): 210-224.
(2021) “Host State Reactions to Home State Diaspora Engagement Policies: Rethinking State Sovereignty and Limits of Diaspora Governance” (with Bahar Baser), Global Networks.
(2021) “Towards an intersectional approach to populism: Comparative perspectives from Finland and India” (with Shweta Singh), Contemporary Politics, 27(5): 528-549.
(2021) “From Women to Gender and Intersectionality: Rethinking Approaches to Economic Vulnerability and Resilience.” In Pascaline Gaborit and Donath Olomi (eds.), Learning from Resilience Strategies in Tanzania. An Outlook of International Development Challenges. Brussels: Peter Lang: 287-307.
(2021) “Conflict Prevention, Dialogue and Resilience: Exploring Links and Strategies.” (with Cæcilie Svop Jensen). In Pascaline Gaborit and Donath Olomi (eds.), Learning from Resilience Strategies in Tanzania. An Outlook of International Development Challenges. Brussels: Peter Lang: 261-283.
(2021) “Gender and diaspora.” In Tarja Väyrynen, Élise Féron, Swati Parashar and Catia C. Confortini (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. London and New York: Routledge: 428-436.

Ihntaek Hwang
- Associate Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University

Angel Iglesias Ortiz
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
Research topics
- Entanglements of everyday peace and different forms of violence
- Border politics and art
- Visual peace and representation
- Human mobility and resistance

Marjaana Jauhola
- Senior Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358504782371
About me
Senior Research Fellow, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University. During academic year 2023-24 I am in charge of MA thesis seminar of PEACE program and teach PEACE060 Feminist Peace Research course.
Docent in Development Studies, University of Helsinki.
Principal Investigator of EnVi(r)oCare 2023-27 (Research Council of Finland) that studies intersectional human-non-human relations, and embodied need-care relations and hierarchies within commodity frontiers connected to green transition.
I am an ethnographer and film documentarist with eyes on intersectional inequalities and entanglments of violence and care in global responses to crises. I am currently writing up my research ‘Gendered Political Violence and Urban Post-Disaster Reconstruction’ (Academy of Finland Fellow 2015-2020) which studies the intersection of gender, disaster politics, political violence, and national ideologies in post-disaster urban Gujarat, India and emergence of feminist peace everydayes in a temporary shelter neighbourhood in the city of Bhuj.
Field of expertise
The past 18 years my focus has been on global responses to crises, such as the Indian Ocean Tsunami and armed conflict in Aceh, Indonesia and the 2001 Kachchh earthquake and in 2023-27 me and my EnVi(r)oCare (Entanglements of Violence and Care: feminist analysis of commodity frontiers and ’living green’) team will focus on the questions of justice of commodity frontiers of date palms and sisal fibres, ecological transitions, and ‘living green’.
I do transdisciplinary research, often combining ethnography with lifehistorical and archival research, promoting collaborative approaches to knowledge production across divides in languages, education, and forms of communication.
Research topics
- Feminist peace research
- Feminist political economy and ecology
- Global gender inequalities and their governance
- Intersection between development and post-disaster and post-conflict aid
- Critical disaster studies and climate justice
Research Council of Finland project funding 2023-27 for EnVi(r)oCare: Entanglements of violence and care: feminist analysis of commodity frontiers and “living green”.
Jauhola, Marjaana (2020) Scraps of Hope in Banda Aceh: Gendered Urban Politics in the Aceh Peace Mediation Process . Helsinki University Press.
Marjaana Jauhola (2022) ”Visual Methodologies: Theorizing Disasters and IR” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press.
Jauhola, Marjaana, Niti Mishra, Jacquleen Joseph & Shyam Gadhavi (2021) “Disaster Recovery (after Catastrophes)” in Situating Sustainability: A Handbook of Contexts and Concepts, Parker Krieg and Reetta Toivanen (eds), Helsinki University Press.
Joseph, Jacquleen, Marjaana Jauhola, Lavanya Shanbhogue Arvind, and Shyam Gadhavi (2021). Wounded Attachments of Disaster Recovery: Gendered Structural Violence and Everyday life, Indian Experiences Explored. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 59(1):1-11.
Meriläinen, Eija, Jacquleen Joseph, Marjaana Jauhola, Juliette Marin, Eila Murphy, Punam Yadav and Shyam Gadhavi (2021). “Examining Relational Social Ontologies of Disaster Resilience: Lived Experiences from Nepal, Indonesia, India and Chile”, Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 31(3), 273-287.
Vardhani, Vishnu Rajan, Shyam Gadhavi and Marjaana Jauhola (2021) ” Co-Creation Through Quilting: Connected Entanglements and Disruptures with Care” in Seppälä, Tiina, Melanie Sarantou and Satu Miettinen (eds.) Decolonising Participatory Research through Arts-Based Methods? Routledge.

Cæcilie Svop Jensen
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358504076143
About me
I am a PhD researcher in Peace and Conflict Research at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), with a master’s degree in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research from Tampere University and a BA in Peace and Conflict Studies from Malmö University.
Field of expertise
My research focuses on the links between diasporas, peace and conflict. I wrote my MA thesis on online conflict transportation among Kurdish and Turkish diasporas in Denmark and in my PhD I am exploring everyday peace and conflict focusing on Somali communities in Denmark and Finland.
Research topics
- Diasporic space
- Transnational dimensions of conflict
- Conflict transportation and transformation
- Everyday peace
(2023). Autonomising Conflict: Conflict Transportation in Online Activity among Kurdish and Turkish Diasporas in Denmark. ETHNOPOLITICS.
(2021). Conflict Prevention, Dialogue and Resilience: Exploring Links and Strategies. Co-authored with Féron, Élise. In P. Gaborit, & D. Olomi (Eds.), Learning from Resilience Strategies in Tanzania: An Outlook of International Development Challenges (pp. 261-283). Peter Lang.
(2021). Diasporas and Conflict Transportation: Challenges and Creative Practices. Co-authored with Féron, Élise. (TAPRI Studies in Peace and Conflict Research; No. 105). Tampere University.

Anitta Kynsilehto
- Associate Professor (tenure track)
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358503187595
- +358503187595
About me
Associate Professor (tenure-track) working at Tampere Peace Research Institute. Docent in Ethnic relations at the Swedish School of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki.
Editor-in-chief in Kosmopolis: Finnish Journal of Peace and Conflict Research and World Politics (with Eeva Puumala and Leena Vastapuu). Associate editor in Frontiers Human Dynamics: Refugees and Conflict (since 2019).
Editor-in-chief in Kosmopolis: Finnish Journal of Peace and Conflict Research and World Politics (with Eeva Puumala and Leena Vastapuu). Associate editor in Frontiers Human Dynamics: Refugees and Conflict (since 2019).
Field of expertise
My academic passion centers around exploring and understanding global mobilities and possibilities for enhancing social justice, bearing in mind the goals of globally responsible research and praxis.
Research topics
- Mobility
- Solidarity
- Intersectionality
- Decoloniality
Kynsilehto, Anitta (2023) Making do as a migrant in Morocco: Between formal recognition and true integration. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 21(2): 158–170.
Penttinen, Elina & Anitta Kynsilehto (2017) Gender and Mobility: A Critical Introduction. Lanham, MD, and London: Rowman & Littlefield. (Korean translation published in 2021)
Kynsilehto, Anitta (2017) Mobilities, Politics and Solidarities. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 29(1): 48–54.
Kynsilehto, Anitta & Eeva Puumala (2015) Persecution as Experience and as Knowledge. The Ontological Dynamics of Asylum Interviews. International Studies Perspectives 16(4): 446–462.
Kynsilehto, Anitta (2011) Negotiating intersectionality in highly educated migrant Maghrebi women’s life stories. Environment and Planning A 43(7): 1547–1561.

Sina Krämer
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
I am a doctoral researcher at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) with a master’s degree in International Peace Studies from Trinity College Dublin and a background in psychology.
Field of expertise
My research focuses on gendered and intergenerational trauma and its implications for sustainable peacebuilding in post-conflict societies, specifically Cambodia. I work transdisciplinary in the fields of peace studies, psychology and neuroscience to create a holistic framework of trauma. Moreover, my research draws on feminist peace research and uses ethnographic methods.
Research topics
- Feminist peace research
- Trauma-informed peacebuilding
- Collective trauma and memories
- Peace psychology

Bruno Lefort
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358503187045
About me
Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Fellow, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere, Finland.
Field of expertise
Middle Eastern politics and societies, diasporas and identities and collective memory.
2023. “Conflicted Identities: Negotiating Belonging among Young People from the Lebanese Diasporas in Montreal”. Ethnopolitics.
2023. “Places of belonging: Rethinking coexistence from oriental barbershops in a Finnish city”. Ethnography.
2022. “Homemaking as sensemaking: Existence, place, and belonging among returning youth from the Levantine diasporas”. American Ethnologist, 49(2), 266-278.
2019. “Cartographies of Encounters : Understanding conflict transformation through a collaborative exploration of youth spaces in Beirut”. Political Geography.
2019. “Some keys to understand the popular uprising in Lebanon”., 28.10.2019.
2018: “Diasporas and Conflicts – Understanding the Nexus”, co-authored with Élise Féron, Diaspora Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09739572.2018.1538687 .
2018: “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: narrating social bonds and boundaries in contemporary Lebanon”. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13530194.2018.1456903 .
2018: “Dynamics of Engagement among Youth in Arab Mediterranean Countries”, co-authored with Henri Onodera, Karim Maïche and Sofia Laine, Journal of North African Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2018.1547197 .
2017: “A confined youth? Lived space and shifting boundaries in Beirut”. Middle East – Topics &Arguments, Issue#9, “Youth”, edited by Christoph H. Schwarz, Anika Oettler (Publication date: Fall 2017).
2017: “’Achrafiyeh Invaded’. The Politics of Fear in a Visual Representation of the Lebanese Factionalism” in Kia Lindroos & Frank Möller (eds.), Art as a Political Witness, Budrich Academic Publishers (ISBN: 9783847405801 ).
2016: “The art of bypassing: students’ politicization in Beirut”, Mediterranean Politics. DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2016.1199459 .
2015: “Michel Aoun, ‘Patriarch of the Christian Street’: Leadership, Affect, and the Politics of Communalization in Lebanon”, Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, no. 8, 1, pp. 102-123.

Tuomo Melasuo
- Professor Emeritus
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358401901592
About me
I am a Professor Emeritus of Peace and Conflict Research as well as a former Director of TAPRI and a Docent in Political History at the University of Turku. I have studied contemporary political history, political science, international relations and international law in Finland and in France.
I am specialized in North Africa and the Mediterranean world. My main expertise lies in the Algerian political, cultural and social history since the beginning of colonialism. I have has also done research on other Maghrebin countries, political culture in Muslim societies as well as more generally on the history of colonialism. In this context I foucsed on Africa where I have a solid research experience especially in Senegal and in Ethiopia.
During the last three and a half decades, since creating the TAPRI Mediterranean Studies Project, I have been active in Euro-Mediterranean relations. I was and am a member of many scientific, cultural and civil society organisations. For the Anna Lind Foundation, I was active in the Advisory Council. Today I act as its Resources Person (Intercultural Dialogue Resource Center). I am also a member of the Academic Advisory Council in the Center for Mediterranean Dialogues of the New York University. Here, I am active in the steering committees of FEMISE, IASKS and SIHMED. Furthermore, I am a member of EuroMeSCo and Organización Carta Méditerranea.
On a more global level, I have served as the Vice-President of the MOST (Management of Social Transformation, Unesco), representing Western Europe and North America. I was also the representative of Finland in Unesco’s Euro-Arab Task Force for Dialogue. Moreover, I served as a Vice-President in the European Council of African Studies for more than a decade. I have also performed as an associate research fellow in LIRESS, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche et d’Etudes en Sciences Sociales, CNRS-Ecole Normale Supèrieure de Cachan, Paris. In 2002, I was was nominated “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques”.
Today, besides guiding my doctoral students, I continue my scientific activities in peace and conflict research on North Africa and the Euro-Mediterranean community. My focus is on socio-economic evolutions in international political and cultural relations both in a regional and global context.
Research topics
- The political, social and cultural history of colonialism
- The Global South and its different political and economic organisations
- Contemporary North African and especially Algerian recent history
- Modern Mediterranean world and Euro-Mediterranean relations
- Interaction between domestic development and international relations in the
Recent research projects and programmes
- “TAPRI Mediterranean Studies Project”, focuses on Euro-Mediterranean relations, international security issues and the evolution of different cultural spheres around the Mediterranean. An important part of its research approach links the internal socio-economic evolution, especially concerning the young people and their living conditions, with international relations and their reciprocal impacts.
- “Regional Challenges to Multilateralism”, international research project, financed by the Kone Foundation, TAPRI, and the School of Management
- “What works? Youth transitions from education to employment in the Middle East and North Africa”, Tampere University, research project funded by the Academy of Finland, Member of Advisory Board, Tampere, 2019-2022.
- “Through their eyes – Perceptions of the EU in the Maghreb and Western Balkans”, Jean Monnet project, Staff member, Dipartimento di scienze politiche, Università di Perugia, Perugia, 2019-2022, (611484-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-PROJECT).
Recent keynote lectures
- Key-Note speech, “Science Diplomacy in Arab-Euro relations”, in AECHE – Fourth Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education, Session: “Setting the stage”, in Faculty of Dental Medicine, Mohammed V University, Rabat, 24.4.2017
- Key-Note speech, “La société civile, la paix et les droits humains: Le rôle de journalistes”, in eMedia Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism, Meeting of the Steering Committee and the Final Conference, in Université de Sfax, 23.5.2017, UNIMED
- “Les Pays Nordiques partenaires actifs dans le processus euro-méditerranéen depuis 1995”, in Chaire Esprit Méditerranéen Paul Valery – 2017, Sihmed & Université de Corse, in Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Bastia, 3.10.2017
- Key-Note speech, “Current developments in Higher Education in the Mediterranean area”, in General Assembly, “Pour une nouvelle Méditerranée des savoirs”, UNIMED – Union des Universités de la Méditerranée, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, 30.10.2017
- Finland 100 Maghreb Tournée, Tunis, Algiers and Rabat, 1-10.11.2017.
- “La Finlande et les autres Pays Nordiques dans les relations euro-méditerranéen”, Jubilée speech, Finland 100, in Beït al-Hikma – Académie tunisienne des sciences, des lettres et des arts, Carthage, 3.11.2017
- “La Finlande et les autres Pays Nordiques dans les relations euro-méditerranéen”, Jubilée speech, Finland 100, Bibliothèque Nationale, Alger, 6.11.2017.
- “Edvard Westermarck, le Maroc et les sciences sociales finlandaises”, Jubilée speech, Finland 100, Conférence-débat, CERSS – Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, in INAU – Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme, Rabat, 8.11.2017
- “Tunisia in the day-dreams of the Finns”, Jubilée speech, inaugural seminar for “60 Years Anniversary Exposition of Finnish – Tunisian Diplomatic Relations”, in The National Archives of Finland, Helsinki, 26.11.2019.
“Before Us and After: Old and New Resiliencies against Remaining Hegemonies”, pp. 217-245, in “Shedding Light on a Changing International Order: Theoretical and Empirical Challenges”, Élise Féron, Marko Juutinen, Jyrki Käkönen, Karim Maïche (eds.), TAPRI Studies in Peace and Conflict Research, no. 104, Tampere Peace Research Institute, PunaMusta Oy – Yliopistopaino, Tampere 2020.
“Africa and World War II: The emergence of an imposed regionalization”, in Revisiting Regionalism and the New World Order. Perspectives from the BRICS and beyond, pp. 35-60, Elise Féron, Jyrki Käkönen and Gabriel Rached (eds.), Barbara Budrich GmbH, Leverkusen Opladen, 2019.
“The Second World War and Africa: New Regards within Colonial Context”, in Suchoples, Jaroslaw & James, Stephanie &Törnquist-Plewa, Barbara (eds), World War II Re-explored: Some New Millennium Studies in the History of the Global Conflict, pp. 337-364, Peter Lang, 2019.
“Edvard Westermarck et le Maroc”, in Jbala. Peuplement, langue et ruralité – Acte des colloques de Chefchaouen, Taounate et Larache 2011 -2012 – 2014 – 2015, coordinated by Mohamed Mezzine, Jacques/Jawhar Vignet-Zunz and Fouad Brigui, CÉRIJ, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Jbala, avec le soutien de l’Association Targa-AIDE, Rabat, 2018, pp. 190-199, ISBN 978-9920-35-032-7.
“Iran’s Political Culture, Internal Development, and International Environment after the End of Sanctions”, together with Hassan Beheshtipour, special issue “L’Iran dopo le sanzioni: energia, giovani, islam, modernità, e crisi regionale”, in Rivista Geopolitica, Vol. V, No. 2 (lug.-dic. 2016), edited by Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti and Raffaele Mauriello Rome, 19 January 2017, pp. 113-130, ISSN 2009-9193.
“The Finns, Finland and the Baltic Sea” (“Finowie, Finlandia i Morse Baltyckie”), in ‘Balticum Horizons’, Herito – heritage, culture & the present, quarterly ( Dziedzictwo, kultura, wspólezesnosc), Wydawnictwo MCK | The ICC Publishing house, Miedzynarodowe Centrum Kultury| International Cultural Centre, Krakow, November 2015.
“The Mediterranean Connection to the Baltic Sea World”, in Kusek Robert and Sanetra-Szeliga Joanna (eds.) Does Poland lie on the Mediterranean?, ICC, International Cultural Centre, pp. 158-190, Cracow, 2012, ISBN 978-83-63463-00-7.
“The meaning and role of cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership”, in Jamal Al-Shalabi & Khalid Al-Shagran (eds,) The Arab-European Relations. Aftermath of September 11: Reality and Expectations, Preface by Professor Abdelrahim Al-Hunaiti, pp. 31-48, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, 2010.
“Finland in the Mediterranean”, in Isabel Schäfer, Jean-Robert Henry (eds.) Mediterranean Policies from Above and Below, pp.155-170, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2009, ISBN 978-3-8329-5095-8.
“Building Peace by Intercultural Dialogue, Essays in Honour of Professor Tuomo Melasuo on the Occasion of his 60th birthday – Construction de la Paix par le Dialogue Interculturel, Mélanges en l’honneur de la 60ème anniversaire du Professeur Tuomo Melasuo”, Kirsi Henriksson & Anitta Kynsilehto (eds.), Occasional Papers no. 97, TAPRI, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University, Tampere, 2008.
“Merentakainen Ranska – siirtomaaimperiumista frankofoniaan”, in Louis Clerc & Kristina Ranki (eds.) Suomalaisten Ranska – Kaunis tuntematon, pp. 237-256, Ajatus kirjat, Helsinki (Gummerus, Jyväskylä), 2008.
“Transitions to Democracy and the Palestinians”, Tuomo Melasuo & Anitta Kynsilehto (eds.), Occasional Papers No. 94, pp. 199 + V, 2006, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere, 2006.
“El Euromediterráneo cultural y social, y la ampliación de la Unión Europea. Una mirada desde las sociedades nórdicas”, article in special issue, “Los valores hoy” in Quaderns de la Mediterrània, no. 5, 2005, IEMed, Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, in English and French in the web site of IEMed, ( Barcelona, 2005.
“The Arab-Scandinavian Dialogue”, edited by Tuomo Melasuo, Introduction by HRH Prince Hassan Ben Talal, Chairman of the Club of Rome, corrected version in Arabic, 317 p., Ward Books – Politics, Beirut & Warda, Amman, 2005. ISBN 9953-36-649-7.
“Les regions bàltica i mediterrània: un futur en comú”, in Bàltic i Mediterrània Diàleg i cooperació regional, pp. 11-13, IEMed & TAPRI, Generalitat de Catalunya & Landstinget Gävleborg, Barcelona, 2003.
“Cultural Relations and Cooperation in the Mediterranean”, in Hult, Bo & Engman, Mats & Davidson, Elisabeth (eds.), Euro-Mediterranean Security and the Barcelona Process, Strategic Yearbook 2003, Institute for Strategical and Security Studies, National Defence College, Stockholm, 2003.
“Siirtomaavaltojen ajasta uuteen imperiumiin – Globalisaatiota ja oikeudenmukaisuutta”, in Anssi Männistö (ed.), Miksi soditaan?, Vastapaino & Ylen avoin yliopisto, Tampere, 2003.
‘Edvard Westermarck y el compromiso social y político del investigador’, in José Antonio González Alcantud y A. Robles Egea (ed.) Intelectuales y ciencias sociales en la crisis de fin de siglo, pp. 237-244, Anthropos & Diputación provincial de Granada, Granada, 2000.
“Algerian poliittinen kehitys 1800-luvulta vapautussotaan 1954″, TAPRI Research Reports, No. 85, pp. 554, TAPRI, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere, 1999.
‘L’identité finlandaise: un dilemme nordique dans l’architecture baltique et européenne’, in Gérard-François Dumont, Les Racines de l’Identité Européenne, pp. 239-247, Economica & Académie de Nice, Paris, 1999.
‘Algerie og den nasjonale frigjøringsfront’, Samtiden, Tidsgrift for politikk, litteratur og samfunnsspørsmål med Liber, No. 4, 1998, Oslo, 1998.
“Vieras Välimeri. Kulttuurien ja politiikan kohtauspaikka”, Tuomo Melasuo (ed.), TAPRI Research Reports, No. 59, pp. 383, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University, Tampere, 1994.
“The Mediterranean Revisited”, Tuomo Melasuo (ed.), TAPRI Research Reports, No. 57, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University, Tampere, 1994.
“Dialogue Arabo-Scandinave, Etudes réunies et éditées” par TM, TAPRI Research Reports, No. 51, pp. 328, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University, Tampere, 1993.
“Maghreb, Conflicts, Socioeconomic Crisis and Unity”, in Raffert, K. & Salih, M.M.A. (ed.), The Least Developed and the Oil-Rich Arab Countries – Dependence, Interdependence or Patronage?, MacMillan, London, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1992.
‘The Role of the Persian Gulf in the Strategic Importance of the Indian Ocean’, in The Iranian Journal of International Affairs, Vol. II, Number 1, Spring 1990, pp. 37-47, Teheran, 1990.
“Cultura y minorias en la identidad árabe-islámica de Argelia”, in Estudios Africanos. Revista de la Asociación Española de Africanistas (A.E.A) en colaboracion y patrocinada por el Instituto de Ccooperacion para el Desarrollo, Vol. IV, N. 7, Julio-Diciembre 1989, pp. 31-45, Madrid, 1990.
National Movements and World Peace, Tuomo Melasuo (ed.), pp. XI + 177, Avebury & Gower, Aldershot, 1990.
“Kylmäsota, liennytys ja kolmas maailma”, pp. 889-959. in Maailman historian pikkujättiläinen, pp. 889-959, WSOY, Porvoo, 1988.
“Culture and Minorities in the Arabo-Islamic Identity of Algeria”, in “Islam: State and Society”, edited by Klaus Ferdinand and Mehdi Mozaffari, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Studies on Asia Topics, no. 12, pp. 183-194, 217-219, Curzon & Riverdade, London, 1988.
“La mise en place du système coloniale en Algérie entre les années 1850 et 1920″, in Mediterrán Tanulmányok I. Etudes sur la Région Mediterranéenne, József Attila Tudományegyetem, Szeged. 1987 (1988).
“Wallinista Wideriin – suomalaisen kolmannen maailman tutkimuksen perinteistä”, Tuomo Melasuo (ed.), Rauhan tutkimus tänään, Vol. VIII, pp. 331, Suomen rauhantutkimusyhdistys r.y., Tampere, 1984, II edition 1986, III edition 1987.
“Les Pays Nordiques et la Guerre de Libération en Algérie”, in Le Retentissement de la Révolution Algérienne, Mohamed Touili (ed.), ANAL & GAM, Alger, Bruxelles, 1985 (1987).
“Evolução dos Programas Sócio-Económicos dos Movimentos Politicos Radicais na Argélia, 1919-1939″, in Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos, Lisbon, 1986.
“L’Armistizio Italiano visto dalla Scandinavia”, in Otto Settembre 1943. L’Armistizio Italiano 40 Anni Dopo, Ministero della Difesa, Roma, 1985.
“De algeriska politiska rörelserna och religionen före 1954″, in J.-O. Blichfeldt & J. Hjärpe (eds.), Religion och samhälle i Mellanöstern, Plus Ultra, Lund. 1985.
Senegal ja maaseutukylät – tutkimus sähköistyksen vaikutusmahdollisuuksista (Le Sénégal et le “courant villageois – Etude sur l’intégration rurale de l’électrification; Yeegal electrisite ci ai dëkku Senegal; Senegaal fa kuuran saate; Senegal and the Villages – A Study on Rural Integration of Electrification), pp. 290, in Finnish together with Marja Linden, IVO Engineers Ltd., Tampere, 1985.
“Liberation and Development” – Proceedings of an International Seminar, pp. 260, Tuomo Melasuo (ed.), FPRA, Peace Research Today VII, Tampere, 1983.
“Siirtomaajärjestelmän purkautumisen teoreettista tarkastelua”, in Avain aikamme maailmaan, Kari Immonen (ed.), Department of History, University of Turku & WSOY, Porvoo, 1983.
“Arabimaailman kultturellisen ja poliittisen historian tarkastelua’”, in Arabimaailman kirjallisuus, Suomen Kirjastoseura, Helsinki, 1983
“Forskningssamarbetet mellan Afrika och Frankrike”, Nytt från Nordiska afrikainstitutet, Nr. 10, NAI, Uppsala, 1982.
“Le Tiers Monde et le Maghreb dans les Recherches Sociales en Finlande et dans les Pays Nordiques”, in Annuaire de l’Afrique du Nord 1978, C.R.E.S.M. et C.N.R.S., Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1981.
“Pohjois-Afrikan maiden kehityksestä”, in Esko Antola & Ossi Tuusvuori (eds.), Kehittyvä Afrikka, University of Turku, Turku. 1980.
“Algierska Droga Rozwoju”, in Mechanizmy Dzialania Neokolonializmu, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, 1979.
“Kolonialismi ja sen purkautuminen”, in Lauri Honko & Eeva-Liisa Myllymäki (eds.), Kehitysmaatiedon perusteet, University of Turku, Turku, 1976.

Frank Möller
- Docent
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358503186162
About me
Docent in Peace and Conflict Research, Tampere University.
Docent in Political Sciences, special branches: International Relations and Peace and Conflict Research (University of Jyväskylä).
Field of expertise
Visual Peace Research.
Kone Foundation (2020-2022)

Juulia Niiniranta
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
I am a doctoral researcher at Tampere Peace Research Institute TAPRI.
I have a background in social and moral philosophy, and my master’s thesis dealt with human rights and moral responsibilities in global world.
My current research investigates the everyday, the experience of peace, and how war and violence affect them. The research also explores the potential of photography in peace research as a tool to express the experiences of peace in daily life. This research is about the diverse narratives of the war in Ukraine, the human experiences of war and peace, and how these experiences may create the possibilities and obstacles for peace.
The study focuses on the lived reality and individual and collective experiences of war and peace through visual and narrative self-expression. Personal and experiential photographs, along with narratives of life during the war, constitute the primary data of the research. The data is also examined from a wider social and political perspective: how traumatic war experiences are reflected in everyday encounters, and what kind of fears, dreams, thoughts, and feelings people are carrying.
The research is founded by Kone Foundation 2024—2027.
Research topics
- Everyday peace
- Narratives of peace and war
- Visualizations of peace
- Recovery
- Participatory visual methods

Aslihan Oguz
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358440666144
About me
I am a doctoral researcher at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) with a background in sustainable design and MA in Creative Sustainability.
Field of expertise
My research focuses on immigrants’ inclusion and participation in just sustainability transitions of the local food system in Finland through an ethnographic study of their food practices and food sovereignty. I adopt a feminist and participatory methodology and use feminist systems theory as a framework. This research aims to bring injustices, inequalities, and marginalisation in the food system to the focus of peace studies.
Research topics
- Feminist peace research
- Feminist food futures
- Food sovereignty, justice and grassroots food movements
- Just transitions of the food system
- Feminist methodologies
Koneen Säätiö 2023-2027, grant number 202309331.

Kari Paasonen
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences
Research topics
- unemployment and political violence
- youth
- causes of political violence
- quantitative and spatial analysis (GIS)
- arms trade and arms control
Are the unhappy unemployed to blame for unrest? Scrutinising participation in the Arab Spring uprisings. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
Henna-Riikka Pennanen
- Postdoctoral Researcher (SUPRA)
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University

Anush Petrosyan
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
Research topics
- Memory and reconciliation,
- Collective memory and forgiveness in post-conflict societies,
- Trauma-informed reconciliation,
- Commemorative practices and silenced narratives.

Stine Mark Rasmussen
- Intern
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358504686241
About me
MA Student in the Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research programme hosted by TAPRI

Louise Ridden
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
Louise Ridden is a postdoctoral research fellow working on the sustainable security practices project (SUPRA), hosted by the Politics Unit in the Department of Management and Business (MAB) and Tampere Peach Research Institute (TAPRI). She holds a PhD from Aberystwyth University, UK, where she was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Her thesis ‘Making alternative worlds: Unarmed civilian protection and nonviolent imaginaries of conflict’ studied nonviolence as a way of knowing, doing, and being in armed conflict through the practice of unarmed civilian protection.
Her current research interests include: principles and practices of unarmed civilian protection, the politics of nonviolence, Feminist IR theory, existentialist theory, knowledge production, and the intersection of nonviolence and political narrations of embodiment, space, and temporality.
Louise previously worked on the AHRC-GCRF funded Creating Safer Space Network + project and was a visit fellow at the University of Montreal.

Vadim Romashov
- Associate Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358469582502
About me
My research addresses complex relations of minority groups in multicultural settings. I am currently finalizing my doctoral research on everyday co-existence of Armenians and Azerbaijanis in rural settlements of Georgia. Most recently, I have been a researcher in a project called “Naapurijurtta – Neighborhood Yurt” (funded by the Kone Foundation, 2017-2020) for which I have conducted an ethnographic research on the in/visibility of the Russian-speaking community living in a culturally diverse suburb of Tampere, Finland.
Since 2012, I am affiliated with Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), Tampere University, and have participated in TAPRI-led research projects, funded by the Academy of Finland and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, for which I have studied Russia’s policies towards post-Soviet conflict processes. Since 2016, I have contributed to several research-based peacebuilding projects focusing on conflict-affected areas of the former Soviet Union, particularly the South Caucasus. My recent publications have dealt mostly with the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations and the conflict over Nagorny Karabakh.
I have has lectured at Tampere University in Finland, Ilia State University in Georgia, Moldova State University, and the University of Minho in Portugal.
I hold a master’s degree in International Relations and diplomas of economist in World Economy (specialized in International Business) and of specialist in Regional Studies (specialized in Nordic Countries).
Research topics
- Everyday co-existence/peace
- Community-driven peace processes
- Armenian-Azerbaijani relations
- Russia’s policies on post-Soviet conflict processes
- Russian speakers in Finland
Romashov, Vadim, Marina Danoyan and Hamida Giyasbayli. “Communities of Practices: Prospects for the Armenian-Azerbaijani Everyday Engagement across the Conflict Divide.” Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2019, pp.152-181. Open Access
Romashov, Vadim. “Opportunities for Fragmented Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Process: Intercommunity Dialogue and Safety of Borderlands.” Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 107-121. Open Access
Lehti, Marko, Élise Féron, Sebastian Relitz and Vadim Romashov. “Cross-regional Dialogues: Transforming Intractable Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Area through Engagement with Local Civil Societies.” OSCE-Network of Think-Tanks and Academic Institutions, December 2019. Open Access
Romashov, Vadim. “Rauhantutkimus tänään: rakentavaa rinnakkaiseloa Kaukasiassa.” Rauhan Puolesta, no. 6, 2019, pp. 25-27.
Romashov, Vadim, Nuriyya Guliyeva, Tatia Kalatozishvili and Lana Kokaia. “A Communitarian Peace Agenda for the South Caucasus: Supporting Everyday Peace Practices” in the special volume “Community-Driven Conflict Transformation in the South Caucasus: Challenging Gender Norms, Dealing with the Past, and Protecting the Environment.” Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 8-45. Open Access
Romashov, Vadim, and Helena Rytövuori-Apunen. “Russia’s Karabakh Policy: New Momentum in Regional Perspective.” Caucasus Survey, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 160-176. Included in an article collection by Routledge “Research on Post-Soviet Russia”. DOI: 10.1080/23761199.2016.1231491
Romashov, Vadim. “Uzbekistan’s Balancing Act: A Game of Chance for Independent External Policies” in Helena Rytövuori-Apunen (ed.) The Regional Security Puzzle around Afghanistan. Bordering Practices in Central Asia and Beyond (Toronto, Opladen, Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2016), pp. 161-190. Open Access
Gültekin Punsmann, Burcu, Zaal Anjaparidze, Sos Avetisyan, Izida Chania, Vadim Romashov and Rashad Shirinov. “Review of Isolation Policies Within and Around the South Caucasus” in the special volume “The South Caucasus and Its Neighborhood: From Politics and Economics to Group rights.” Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 110-140. Open Access
Sayan, Pinar, Orhan Gafarlı, Tamta Jijavadze, David Muradyan, Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu and Vadim Romashov. “Economic Cooperation in the South Caucasus and the Wider Region: Gained Losses, Lost Benefits” in the special volume “The South Caucasus and Its Neighborhood: From Politics and Economics to Group rights.” Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2016, pp. 71-109. Open Access
Romashov, Vadim. “Tsopi: An Azerbaijani-Armenian World.” Meydan TV, 2 December 2016.
Romashov, Vadim. “Two roles, One Play: Russia’s Dilemma in Nagorno-Karabakh.” Centre for Policy and Research on Turkey (Research Turkey/Independent Turkey), 19 April 2016.
Romashov, Vadim. “Russian expert discussions about recent trends in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict” in Pertti Joenniemi (ed.) Russia’s Approach to Arms Control, Peace Mediation and National Dialogues, TAPRI Studies in Peace and Conflict Research No. 102, TAPRI Net Series No. 11 (Tampere: TAPRI, 2015), pp. 109-139.
Romashov, Vadim, and Helena Rytövuori-Apunen. “Nagorno-Karabakh: Steps of settlement marked out by Russia’s interests” in Pertti Joenniemi (ed.) Russia’s Approach to Arms Control, Peace Mediation and National Dialogues, TAPRI Studies in Peace and Conflict Research No. 102, TAPRI Net Series No. 11 (Tampere: TAPRI, 2015), pp. 141-169.

Ebru Şevik
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358504671633
About me
I am a doctoral researcher interested in diversity, segregation, and coexistence in cities. My research particularly focuses on everyday encounters in socially mixed urban environments and socio-spatial practices of peaceful coexistence. Methodologically, my research draws on ethnography and spatial analyses.
Sevik, E., & Caliskan, O. (2022). Coexistence in Space: Stimulating Encounter in the Socially Fragmented Open Urban Fabrics. BUILT ENVIRONMENT, 48(3), 364-392.
Caliskan, O., & Sevik, E. (2022). Urban Form and Liveability: Towards a Socio-Morphological Perspective. BUILT ENVIRONMENT, 48(3), 301-316.
Ilona Steiler
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
Satu Sundström
- Project Coordinator
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University

Anna Sofia Suoranta
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358503182533
About me
I am a doctoral researcher interested in everyday peace as action and the mundane coexistence of peaceful and conflicting elements in everyday life. I conduct my research among young people in Finland and Sweden.

Ana Tarazona
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
PhD researcher in Peace and Conflict Research at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI). My research focuses on decolonizing the understanding of peace and gender in peacebuilding processes from below in Colombia.
Research topics
- Everyday Peace
- Peacebuilding processes from below
- Feminist Peace Research
- Decolonial theories

Meeri Tiensuu
- Doctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
PhD researcher in Peace and Conflict Research at Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI). My research aims to re-imagine the processes of migrant integration in Finland by looking into the connections between migration, belonging, governing and politics. It investigates Finland’s integration policies, their ramifications, and their limitations in the lived experiences of navigating difference among people with migrant background. To do so, it brings peace research together with anthropological examinations of people’s struggle for placemaking, belonging and co-existence. Empirically, the research builds on ethnographic fieldwork in Tampere.
Research topics
- Beloning
- Co-existance
- Co-creation
- Migrant integration
- Structural violence

Ilaria Tucci
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
About me
I am a theatre practitioner (MA in acting, 2002 Roma, IT), peace scholar (BA, MA in Peace Studies, 2009, 2013 Pisa, IT), and diversity expert.
I work as Postdoctoral researcher at the TAU in the KONE Foundation granted project Homeward.
I was the teacher for the course “Theatre for Peace” of the PEACE MA.
Field of expertise
I use theatre as a tool of dialogue among people, participation, peacebuilding and empowerment.
I work as theatre director, theatre teacher, event organiser, community facilitator and diversity expert for theatre companies, organisations and municipalities.
Research topics
Applied theatre; peace education; feminist peace research; arts-based methods; participatory research.
President of teh European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) 2022-2024
Project designer, project manager and artistic co-director of EUPeGE – European Urban Performing Game Event, European application for the CREA – Creative Europe Call 2022, in cooperation with disakamula oy (Finland), Amigdala (Italy), Spazio T (Italy), PédéXumbo (Portugal), La ejecutora (Spain) and Kulturscio’k (France).
Project owner, planner and artistic director of TUPeGE – Tampere Urban Performing Game Event – included in the final Bid-Book for Tampere European Capital of Culture 2026 (and included in the Plan B for the years 2022 – 2024).
Initiator of the monthly Last Sunday Jam Session at Telakan kulttuuri talo, Tampere (since September 2016)
Co-founder and President of the cultural association d’altrocanto (November 2003 – December 2012)
Euromesco Expert in Mobility and Migration, Society and Culture (since February 2020
2022 “Information overload and environmentaldegradation: learning from HA Simon and W. Wenders”, co-author with Guarnieri, P. and Luzzati, T., Discussion Papers del Dipartimento di Economiae Management,
2022 co-author with Leena Pihkala “Ethnic and cultural diversity in the field of acting in Finland” for the Finnish Actors’ Union (Näyttelijäliitto)
2022 “Behind screens: challenges and opportunities of participatory online peace education in Finland”, co-author with Hietamäki, S. JOURNAL OF PEACE EDUCATION, 19(3), 330-350.
2021 co-author with Karina Horsti “Performance of memory: testimonies of survival and rescue at Europe’s border” in Schimanski J and Nyman J (Eds) Border Images, Border Narratives: The political aesthetics of boundaries and crossings, University Manchester Press
2018 “In response to migration policies and to the militarisation of territories: Activism in the community of Lampedusa” in Ojala Fulwood, M. (Ed) Migration and Multiethnic Communities: Mobile People from the Late Middle Ages to the Present., DE GRUYTER OLDENBOURG

Unto Vesa
- Research Fellow Emeritus
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
Research topics
- European security and integration, Finnish foreign and security policy
- Nordic and Baltic region, United Nations, China
- peace research, armaments and disarmament, development cooperation
Ydinsulkusopimuksen tulevaisuus (The future of the Non-Proliferation Treaty), edited together with Olli-Pekka Jalonen (own articles on the treaty itself and the North Korean case), TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 63, 1995, 96 pp.
Maailma myllerryksessä. Analyysejä kylmän sodan jälkeisestä maailmasta. (The world in turmoil. Analyses on the post-Cold War world), TAPRI Research Report No. 62. 1995, 237 pp.
Miten rauhantutkimus tuli Suomeen (How peace research came to Finland), TAPRI Research Report, No. 62, 1995, 85 pp.
Evaluation of the development of Finnish Red Cross´s youth activities, with particular reference to the pilot project “from need to action”, The Finnish Red Cross, July 1995, 26 pp.
Suomalaisesta rauhanajattelusta (On Finnish peace thinking), UNESCO-kuriiri No 5, 1995, pp. 5-6.
25 vuotta TAPRIn taivalta. Tapri Occasional Paper No. 67. 1996, 57 pp. (25 years of TAPRI performance); background data, information and statistics on TAPRI’s history, 1970-1995.
The United Nations and the Middle East, in Beyond Barcelona: Europe and the Middle East in the Mediterranean International Relations, ed. by Tuomo Melasuo. TAPRI Research Report No. 66, 1995, pp. 123-133.
Bosnian Elections: OSCE´s Contribution to Peace (Editorial), OSCE Review No. 3, 1996, p. 2.
Rauhanturvaaminen valinkauhassa: Mikä perinteistä pitää, minkä on muututtava (Peace-keeping in transition: what traditions remain valid, what have to change, in Sinibaretista sinikypärään (From Blue berets to Blue helmets), ed. by Petri Kekäle, MTS, Helsinki 1996, pp. 81-85.
Turvallisuusyhteisöjen rakentuminen rauhantutkimuksen haasteena: yleistä teoriaa ja yksi esimerkki (The formation of security communities as a challenge to peace research: theoretical aspects and one case), in Eurooppa laidasta laitaan. Taprin opas Euroopan ymmärtämiseen (Europe from one corner to the other. TAPRI’s guide to understand Europe), ed. by Pirjo Jukarainen. TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 69, 1996, pp. 11-25. – The article uses Karl Deutsch’s concepts and focuses on the Baltic Sea region as the empirical case.
Rauhantutkimuksesta ja rauhanajattelusta (On peace research and peace thinking), TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 71, 1997, 34 pp.
Epilogi: Mitä ideaa on tarkastella ristiretkiä rauhantutkimuksessa? (Epilogue: What sense does it make to study the Crusades in peace research?), in Eurooppa tänään. 900 vuotta ristiretkien perintöä (Europe today: 900 years of the heritage of the Crusades, ed. by Aini Linjakumpu. TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 72, 1997, pp. 91-101.
Bridging the Baltic – need for cooperative security in the Baltic Sea region (Editorial), OSCE Review Vol. 5, No 3, 1997, p. 2.
Euroopan turvallisuus valinkauhassa. Silmäyksiä Suomen ja Euroopan uusiin haasteisiin (European security in the making. Observations on the new challenges faced by Finland and Europe), TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 74, 1997, 67 pp.
Finland, Sweden, and the European Union (together with Pertti Pesonen), TAPRI Research Report No. 77, 1998, 63 pp.
“What is Old, What is New in the Transnational Contacts of Local Authorities? Some Notes on Recent Developments in the Baltic Sea Region”, in From Town to Town. Local Authorities as Transnational Actors, ed. by Christian Wellmann, Kiel Peace Research Series, Vol. 8, 1998, pp. 51-59.
(Editor of) YYA. Aika ja sopimus (FCMA. The time and the treaty). TAPRI Research Report No. 81, 1998, 165 pp. (A collection of eleven articles on the FCMA treaty between Finland and the USSR, in force, 1948-1991). In addition to preface, own contribution “Suomalaisten suhtautuminen yya:han” (On the opinions of Finns about the treaty), pp. 107-127.
Prospects of Security Communities: On the Relevance of Karl W. Deutsch´s Contribution, in Peace Research, Vol. 31, No 1, February 1999, pp. 18-25.
Kosovo – NATOn oikeutettu sota? (Kosovo – NATO´s just war?), Ydin 3, 1999, 14-16 (in Finnish only).
Kosovon sodan opetuksista (On the lessons of the Kosovo War), Ulkopolitiikka 3, 1999, pp. 108-112 (in Finnish only).
(Ed.) Democratic Security Building: Cases from the Baltic and Black Sea Regions. TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 83, 2000, 170 pp.; my own article “On the Challenges of Democratic Security Building”, pp. 7-12.
(Together with Frank Möller) Security community in the Baltic Sea region? Recent debate and recent trends, 2002 (manuscript, report for the MFA, mimeo) 174 pp.
(Ed.) Maailman tutkimisesta ja muuttamisesta. Studying the world and changing it. Per studia mundus explicatur et mutatur. Festschrift for Jyrki Käkönen. Tampere: TAPRI, 2003, 384 pp.
(Together with Frank Möller) Security community in the Baltic Sea region? Recent debate and recent trends, Tampere: TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 88, 2003, 199 pp.
Voiko YK turvata rauhan? (Can the UN provide peace?), in Vuosituhatjulistuksen rauhan ja kehityksen tavoitteet (The peace and development goals in the Millennium Declaration), ed. Sinikka Koski, Vaasa: Finnish UN Association 2003, pp. 67-79 (in Finnish only).
(Ed.) Kosmopolis 2/2003 (Special issue on the war in Iraq; in Finnish only), 94 pp.
Irakin sota – sekoitus vanhaa ja uutta (War in Iraq – a mix of old and new; in Finnish only), Kosmopolis 2, 2003, pp. 3-10.
Nordic Peace Research Conferences: Past Experiences and Future Challenges, in Konstantin K. Khudoley (ed.) New Security Challenges as Challenges to Peace Research, St.Petersburg: Saint Petersburg University Press. St.Petersburg Peace Research Series, 2004, Issue nr. 1, pp. 6-11.
Kaliningrad: Transforming a ‘threat’ into a ‘Challenge’ and ‘Opportunity’, in Konstantin K. Khudoley (ed.) New Security Challenges as Challenges to Peace Research, St.Petersburg: Saint Petersburg University Press. St.Petersburg Peace Research Series, 2004, Issue nr. 1, pp. 269-280.
(Ed.) Global Commissions Assessed. Helsinki: The Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Helsinki Process Publications Series 4/2005, 139 pp.
Global Commissions Added Value, in Unto Vesa (ed.), Global Commissions Assessed. Helsinki: The Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Helsinki Process Publications Series 4/2005, pp. 121-138.
(Together with Eeva Puumala) The Twenty Years’ Journal: Instant / Current Research on Peace and Violence 1971-1990. Tampere Peace Research Institute. Occasional Paper No 93, 2006, 30 pp.
Minne lie vie rauhantutkimuksen tie – jatkoa quo vadis-keskusteluun (Whither peace research – continuing the debate on quo vadis), Kosmopolis Vol. 36: 1-2006, pp. 56-66.
The European Union as a peace project – What does it mean today?, in The National Interest (Tirana), Number 1, Spring 2007, pp. 31-36.
Euroopan unioni rauhanprojektina – Mitä se tänään merkitsee? (The European Union as a peace project – What does it mean today?), in Rooman sopimus 50 vuotta – suomalaisia näkökulmia Euroopan kehitykseen, ed. by Olli Korhonen. Vantaa: Schuman-seura ry. 2007, pp. 145-154.
(Ed.) Tutkiva diplomaatti. Klaus Törnudd 75. Tampere: Kansainvälisten suhteiden tutkimuksen seura KATSE 2007, 132 pp. and there the introductory article ‘Klaus Törnudd – Primus Inter Pares’, pp. 4-7.
(Ed. with Jouko Huru), The Role of Civil Society in Conflict Resolution. Asian and European Perspectives. TAPRI Occasional Paper No. 95, 2007, 159 pp., and introduction as well as my own article in it ‘On the Role of Civil Society in the Peaceful Transformation of the Baltics’, pp. 67-80.
Continuity and Change in the Finnish Debate on Peacekeeping, in International Peacekeeping, Vol. 14, No. 4, August 2007, pp. 524-537.
On the Importance of Peace Education, in Education for Global Responsibility – Finnish Perspectives (Ed. by Taina Kaivola and Monica Melén-Paaso), Helsinki: Publications of the Ministry of Education 2007: 31, pp. 47-56.
Syyskuun yhdestoista oli massamurha, ei mikään vallankumous (September 11 was a mass murder, not a revolution), Kosmopolis 4/2007, pp. 67-69.
Miten aseidenriisunnan tielle voidaan palata? (How to get back to the road to disarmament?), in EU-Suomen turvallisuuspolitiikka (The security policy of EU Finland), ed. by Seija Korhonen and Pirjo Riihelä, Helsinki 2008, pp. 43-51.
(Ed.) Maailmanyhteisö – Världssamfundet, Kosmopolis 1/2008 (a Festschrift for Professor emeritus Göran von Bonsdorff on his 90th birthday), 105 pp.; and there the articles ‘Göran von Bonsdorff – suomalaisen rauhantutkimuksen grand old man (Göran von Bonsdorff – the grand old man of Finnish peace research), and ‘Kuinka monta sotaa, kuinka monta kuollutta, kuinka monta rauhaa?’ (How many wars, how many dead, how many peace deals?), pp. 5-7 and 66-73 respectively.
Göran von Bonsdorff – den finländska fredsforskningens Grand Old Man, Fredsposten 2, 2008, pp. 6-7.
Tieteen ilo ja SoleTM (The joy of research and SoleTM), Aikalainen Nro 13,2008, p. 5.
An Assessment of the Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy, julkaisussa Final Report of the Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy. A Case for Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation. Helsinki: Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs 2008, pp. 73-82.
Hur många krig, hur många döda, hur många freder? Fredsposten 3.2008, s. 28-30, 35.
How many wars, how many dead, how many peace deals, in Building Peace by International Dialogue. Construction de la Paix par le Dialogue Interculturel, ed. by Kirsi Henriksson & Anitta Kynsilehto. Tampere: Tampere Peace Research Institute. Occasional Paper No. 97, 2008, pp. 115-125.
Complex Humanitarian Emergencies, International Rotary Institute,
Suomalainen väkivalta (Finnish violence; editorial), Kosmopolis Vol. 38: 4/2008 , pp. 5-7.
(Ed.) Kosmopolis (A thematic issue on Finnish violence), Vol. 38: 4/2008 63 pp.
(Ed., with Chinsoo Bae) Territorial Issues in Europe and East Asia: Colonialism, War Occupation, and Conflict Resolution. Seoul: Northeast Asian History Foundation, 2009, 236 pp.; Introduction (with Chinsoo Bae), pp. 8-11, and my own article The Åland Islands as a Conflict Resolution model, pp. 34-59.
Feedbackiä, Aikalainen 14/2009, p. 4.
Tamperelaisesta kansainvälisen politiikan tutkimuksesta (On IR research in Tampere), KATSE jäsenkirje 1/2009, pp. 19 – 20.
Göran von Bonsdorff in memoriam, KATSE jäsenkirje 2/2009, pp. 24 – 26.
Rauhan tutkimisesta ja sen saavuttamisen mahdollisuuksista (On the study of peace and how to reach it), in Näkökulmia kansainvälisen politiikan tutkimukseen (Perspective on the study of international politics), (ed. by Vilho Harle), Studia Politica Tamperensia 18, Tampereen yliopiston politiikan tutkimuksen laitos 2010, pp. 275-308.
Miten eheyttää rikkoutunut yhteiskunta (How to heal a broken society), in Tarinoita rauhanrakentajista (Stories about peacebuilders), (ed. by. Anna Hyvärinen), Suomen Ekumeeninen Neuvosto 2010, pp. 14 – 15.
Rauhaa voi edistää monin tavoin (Peace can be promoted in many ways), Etusivu. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön verkkolehti (The web-paper of the Ministry of Education and Culture), 26.8.2010, pp. 1-3.
Afganistanin operaation legitimiteetti? (The legitimacy of the operation in Afghanistan?), Kosmopolis 1/2010, pp. 65-73.
Kansainvälisen politiikan alkuvaiheista Tampereen yliopistossa – ja omasta pikku roolistani siinä (On the early phases of teaching IR at the university of Tampere – and about my own little role in it), in Ruudusta Raunioon. Valtio-opin ja kansainvälisen politiikan opetus YKK:ssa ja Tampereen yliopistossa 1925-2010, ed. by Olavi Borg. Tampere: University of Tampere 2011, pp. 71-82.
Suomi, Eurooppa, maailma: kansallinen, alueellinen ja globaali Karl W. Deutschin tuotannossa (Finland, Europe, world: national, regional and global in the publications of Karl W. Deutsch), in Maailma kansainvälisten suhteiden tutkimuksen haasteena. Juhlakirja Harto Hakovirran täyttäessä 70 vuotta (The world as the challenge of IR research. Festschrift for Harto Hakovirta on his 70th birthday), eds. Hiski Haukkala – Eero Palmujoki – Juha A. Vuori. Helsinki: Finnish Political Science Association 2011, pp. 55-70.
(Together with Eeva Puumala) Rauhaan tutkien – Rauhantutkimus – Kosmopolis. 40 vuotta suomalaista rauhantutkimusta lehden kuvastimessa (40 years of Finnish peace research in the mirror of the journal of the FPRA). Tampere: Finnish Peace Research Association, 71 pp.
Rauhaan tutkien: tiedelehden alkutaival (Towards peace: the early phase of a scholarly journal), in Eeva Puumala – Unto Vesa, Rauhaan tutkien – Rauhantutkimus – Kosmopolis. 40 vuotta suomalaista rauhantutkimusta lehden kuvastimessa. Tampere: Finnish Peace Research Association, pp. 5-11.
Pan-European Security Architecture: Present Situation and Future Perspectives, inEuro-Asian Security after 2010: challenges and perspectives of cooperation, eds. Helena Rytövuori-Apunen and Aidar Amrebayev. Almaty: Zhibek Zholy 2011, pp. 41-49.
Overview of confidence and security building measures at work, in Euro-Asian Security after 2010: challenges and perspectives of cooperation, eds. Helena Rytövuori-Apunen and Aidar Amrebayev. Almaty: Zhibek Zholy 2011, pp. 78-86.
“Europe and the World” – The 7th EuPRA General Conference in Tampere”, IPRA News, Issue No 3, Nov 2011, pp. 6-7.
Tampereen Paasikivi-Seuran esitelmät (Speeches delivered at the Paasikivi Society of Tampere in1963-2012; list). Tampere: Tampereen Paasikivi-Seura, 2012, 21 pp. (mimeo).
Finland in the United Nations. Consistent and Credible Constructivism. Finnish Foreign Policy Papers 2, October 2012. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs;
On the Reconstruction of Broken Societies – Yugoslavia as a case study, in A Peaceful World is Possible, ed. by Attila Fábián. Sopron: University of West Hungary Press, 2012, pp. 135-138.
YK ja rauhanjärjestöt (The UN and peace organizations), in Rauhan ytimessä (In the nucleus of peace). Ed. Johanna Sumuvuori, Helsinki: Into 2013, pp. 143-150.
The United Nations and the Peace Movement, Policy Pesrpectives (Islamabad), Vol. 11, 2014, No. 2, pp. 119-125.
Rauhantutkimus, rauhankasvatus ja rauhantyö (Peace research, peace education and peace activism). in Rauhan silta kantaa. Helena Kekkonen 1926-2014, eds. Tuija Vihavainen & Hanna Nittymäki, Riika: Rauhankasvatusinstituutti 2015, pp. 152-157.
Rauhasta yleensä ja naisrauhasta erityisesti (On peace in general and on peace for women especially), Pax, 2016, pp. 22-23; also
Situationen får inte försämras (Situation in the Baltic Sea region must not deteriorate), Hufvudstadsbladet 3.10.2016, p. 17; Östersjöregionen och Nordens säkerhet,
Femtio år inom och för fredsforskning. Samtal med Peter Wallensteen (Fifty years in and for peace research. Debate with Peter Wallensteen). Finsk tidskrift, No. 2, 2018, pp. 47-55.
Rauhantutkijan etiikka (Peace researcher’s ethics), in Aseettomat kädet. Muistoja aseistakieltäytymisestä (Hands without weapons. Memories about conscientious objection), (eds. Pete Pesonen & Minna Sannikka), Helsinki: Työväen arkisto 2018. pp. 20-33.
Nobelin tahto, ICAN, ydinasekielto ja Suomi (Nobel’s Will, ICAN, nuclear weapon ban and Finland), Kosmopolis, No 3, 2018, pp. 64-73.
Sopusointua ja ristiriitoja: Uskonnot Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien toiminnassa (Harmony and Conflicts. Religions in the activities of the United Nations), teoksessa Uskonto ja maailmanpolitiikka (Religion and World Politics), eds. Heikki Pesonen, Tuula Sakaranaho & Sini Paukkunen, Tallinna: Gaudeamus 2019, pp. 82-103.
Euroopan unioni vaikeuksissa: säröjä ja ruhjeita rauhanprojektissa (The European Union in difficulties. Difficulties and ruptures in a peace project), Kosmopolis 2/2019, pp. 77-86.
Miten rauhantutkimus tuli Suomeen (How peace research came to Finland), in Rauhantutkimus kautta vuosien (Peace research through years). (Ed. Raimo Väyrynen). Helsinki: Into-Kustannus 2020, pp. 11-79.
Forskning om krigens orsaker och fredens förutsättningar (Research into the causes of war and conditions for peace), Fredsposten, No. 4, 2017, s. 2-4.
Puoli vuosisataa rauhantutkimusta (Half a century of peace research),, (20.3.) 2020.
(Ed.) Paasikiven linjat (The lines of Paasikivi), Tampere: Tampereen Paasikivi-Seura, 2021, 87 s.
Paasikiven linja ja linjat (The Paasikivi line and lines), in Paasikiven linjat (Ed. Unto Vesa), Tampere: Tampereen Paasikivi-Seura 2021, pp. 5-6.

Tarja Väyrynen
- Professor of Peace and Conflict Research
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University
- +358401904097
About me
I am a Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Tampere Peace Research Institute.
Head of Peace and Conflict Research discipline at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Vice-chair of the Research Council for Culture and Society, Academy of Finland.
Field of expertise
I have a longstanding and internationally recognized expertise in the study of conflict, conflict transformation, gender and peace as well as feminist peace research. My work theorizes everyday and corporeal practices of peace and continuums of violence.
With my Research Group on Corporeality, Mobility and Resistance (COMPORE), I have studied amongst other things human mobility, practices of governance, agency and resistance.
Research topics
- Conflict and conflict transformation
- Peacebuilding
- Feminist peace research
- Resistance and agency
- Environmental conflicts
Research funding from the Academy of Finland for the project “Mundane Practices of Peace” (2016-2021); Prime Minister’s Office (VNK), “Inclusive Mediation: Academy of Finland, “The Body Politics of Migration (2010-14)
(2023) “War agency in women’s auxiliary military organizations: The case of Lotta Svärd in Finland”, International Feminist Journal of Politics.
(2020) Väyrynen, Tarja & Parashar, Swati & Feron, Elise & Confortini, Catia (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. New York, London: Routledge.
(2019) “Mundane peace and the politics of vulnerability: a nonsolid feminist research agenda”, Peacebuilding 7(2): 146-157.
(2019) Väyrynen, Tarja, Corporeal Peacebuilding: Mundane Bodies and Temporal Transitions, London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
(2017) Väyrynen, Tarja, Puumala, Eeva, Pehkonen, Samu, Kynsilehto, Anitta and Vaittinen Tiina Choreographies of Resistance: Mobile Bodies and Relational Politics, London, New York: Rowman and Littlefield.