Selected Publications

Publications 2023

Publications 2022

Pakolaisuus ja suojelun tarve Euroopassa

Kynsileht, Anitta

Introducing Transitional Justice: Dealing with the Past in Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Romashov, Vadim

Rethinking Peacebuilding: Regional Geopolitical Transformations and the Future of Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Processes

Gamaghelyan, Philip; Huseynova, Sevil; Darchinova, Lala; Romashov, Vadim; Soloyan, Christina

Publications 2021

Ihmisten liikkuvuus Euroopan unionin poliittisen päätöksenteon kriisin ytimessä

Kynsilehto, Anitta

Näkymättömästi läsnä: Venäjänkieliset äänet lähiössä

Romashov, Vadim

Publications 2020

Publications 2019

Publications 2018

Migration, Heat Maps, and the Myth of Privacy

Möller, Frank; Rasmus Bellmer and Rune Saugmann

Leonardo's Security: The Participant Witness in a Time of Invisibility (book chapter)

Möller, Frank

Peace (book chapter)

Möller, Frank

Publications 2017

The Violence of Witnessing

Möller, Frank

Witnessing in Contemporary Art and Politics

Lindroos, Kia and Frank Möller

Colonial Wars and Aesthetic Reworking: the Artist as Moral Witness

Möller, Frank

Publications 2016

Visualizing Political Thinking on the Screen: A Dialogue between Von Trotta's Hannah Arendt and Its Protagonist

Hyvönen, Ari-Elmeri and Frank Möller

From Aftermath to Peace: Reflections on a Photography of Peace

Möller, Frank

L’horizon fuyant de la réconciliation. L’Irlande du Nord entre rapprochement et cristallisation des oppositions

Féron, Élise

Politics and Art

Möller, Frank

Publications 2015

Terrorism, Civil Strife and Uprisings (book chapter)

Féron, Élise

Suffering in Silence? The Silencing of Sexual Violence Against Men in War Torn Countries (book chapter)

Féron, Élise

Religions et conflits. Comment renouveler le cadre d’analyse? (book chapter)

Féron, Élise

Bodies of War, the Past Continuous, and (Ar)rhytmic Experiences

Väyrynen, Tarja & Eeva Puumala

Re-thinking national temporal orders: the subaltern presence and enactment of the political

Väyrynen, Tarja

Arctic securitization and climate change (book chapter)

Palosaari, Teemu and Tynkkynen, Nina

The Power of Obscurity: Trevor Paglen’s Geo-visual Imagination (book chapter)

Möller, Frank