Tampere Peace Day (TPD) is an annual event organized for the first time in 2023 by Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) and CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation (CMI).

The idea behind the initiative is to provide a dynamic and inclusive space for peace researchers and peace practitioners within the wider peace and conflict field to engage in meaningful discussions and dialogues about current challenges to mediation and peacebuilding, bridging the gaps between theory and practice and supporting exchange of innovative ideas and approaches. By fostering such interactions, it hopes to contribute to better, well-informed peace practices and improved research, ensuring it is up to date with, and informed by, practical experiences and challenges.

Finland has long-standing traditions within Peace and Conflict Research, on the one hand, and in the field of peacekeeping, peacebuilding, crisis management and mediation, on the other hand, with highly experienced and renowned organizations working for peace internationally. TPD enhances this enormous potential by bringing together research and practice-based knowledge on peace. This event offers a unique opportunity for all stakeholders within the Finnish-based peace-ecosystem to engage in dialogue with each other and with actors within the wider international peace community. 

It was great to see and meet so many people who have a shared interest and passion to talk about important and contemporary challenges in peace – TPD 2023 participant

Receiving positive feedback and support from participants and actors within the field, the successful conduct of Tampere Peace Day 2023 demonstrated both the interest in, and need for, a shared platform that brings individuals and organizations working for a peaceful future together, to discuss pressing challenges and complexities, share important knowledge and experience, create new partnerships, and expand networks. We hope that Tampere Peace Day will continue contributing to a mutually reinforcing relationship between researchers and practitioners, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness of peacemaking efforts.  

Tampere Peace Day 2024 will be held on December 2nd, this year expanding the organizing team and welcoming Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM) on board. More information will be published soon, but if you have questions about the event, please feel free to contact Marko Lehti, Research Director of TAPRI, at marko.lehti@tuni.fi or TAPRI Intern, Stine Rasmussen, at stine.rasmussen@tuni.fi 

I loved how the panel discussions bring together researchers and organizations. This was a great way to see direct connections between research and practice in the field. As a student, this is an incredible opportunity to connect the dots between things we are learning in class, and the real, current discussions happening in the peace field – TPD 2023 participant

Photo Credits: Maria Santto / CMI