GUEST LECTURES OCTOBER 30TH, Tampere University, PinniB 4113, 10 – 12.30
10.15 Prof. Christian Laes (University of Manchester) Inscriptions and Roman social history: encountering ‘the common people’
11.30 Prof. Marxiano Melotti (Università degli studi Niccolò Cusano) Between past and present. The liminal identity of Ostia
Christian Laes is an ancient historian, specialized on the childhood, family and disability history:
Marxiano Melotti is a cultural anthropologist, specialized on cultural heritage, tourism, and the use of the past: the
Organised in collaboration with The Institute for Advanced Social Research (IASR).
OSTIA, GATEWAY TO ROME – Cultural Encounters
Seminar 2. November 2019
VAPRIIKKI – Museum centre in Tampere, Finland
This seminar is a part of the opening festivities of the new exhibition organized by Vapriikki Museum Centre with the Research project of Tampere University financed by the Academy of Finland (2015-2019) “Segregated or Integrated – Living and Dying in the Roman Harbour City of Ostia 400 BC – 600 AD, directed by prof Arja Karivieri.
11.30-14.00 (Bilingual presentations)
11.30-12.30 Welcome!
FT Marjo Meriluoto, Vapriikki
Prof. Arja Karivieri, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Suomen Rooman-instituutti
Dr. Mariarosaria Barbera, Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, Ostia Antican arkeologinen alue
Dr. Paola Catalano, Il contributo della ricerca antropologica alla ricostruzione delle condizioni di vita nella Roma imperiale (Arkeologinen luututkimus ja elinolosuhteet keisariajan Roomassa)
Prof. Ray Laurence, Paving stones of Ostia – what do they reveal? (Katukivien kertomaa)
Dr Ghislaine van der Ploeg, The Manager of the Carthaginian Ships in Ostia Antica (Karthagolaisten laivojen valvoja Ostia Anticassa)
14.00-15.00 time for lunch
Klo 14 ja klo 15 Guided tours to the exhibition
16.00-18.00 (Presentations in Finnish)
Dosentti Ria Berg: Huppupäinen muukalainen – ulkomaalaisia Ostiassa
Dosentti Marja-Leena Hänninen: Mithra ja idän jumalat. Heidän palvojansa Ostiassa ja sen satamassa
Dosentti Raimo T. Hakola: Kristityt ja juutalaiset – kulttuurisia kohtaamisia Galileassa ja Ostiassa
Dosentti Katariina Mustakallio: Monikulttuurinen Ostia – seminaarin loppusanat
The research project and the exhibition have been only possible because of the wide cooperation. The most important partners have been Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, The Finnish Academical Institutes Forum, Trivium – Tampere Centre for Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies.
Grazie infinite, warm thanks for all those who have supported our work!