Publishing event of Trivium's annual report 26th Sept.

17th-century Dutch painting of a singing couple.
David Teniers jr: Duet (1640s)

Welcome to the publishing event of Trivium’s annual report, presentation of the centre’s new titles of Docent, and historical sing-along!

The event will be held on 26th September at 5 pm in the temporary facilities for historians in Tietopinni (Pinni B 4168). The event is both in Finnish and English and only in situ. After the presentations, we will sing drinking songs from the historical periods covered in Trivium’s research (classical, medieval and early modern).

17.00 refreshments

17.15 presentation of the annual report (Trivium chair Ville Vuolanto)

Presentation of the new Titles of Docent (Riikka Miettinen, Jaakkojuhani Peltonen, Jussi Rantala, Ella Viitaniemi)

18.00 historical sing-along

The event is free of charge, but sign-up is required for the refreshments no later than Tuesday 17th September. Sign up via this link.