Per Jauert

Jauert’s research interests include media sociology, public service media, radio history, community media, and the new digital platforms for radio production, distribution and reception. He is the author of the three chapters about radio in Jensen, K.B.(2004) Dansk Mediehistorie [Danish Media History] I-IV. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur, and he has published several articles in international scholarly journals (Media Culture and SocietyJavnost-The PublicJournal of Radio StudiesEuropean Journal of Communication ResearchJournal of Radio and Au

dio Media). He is currently Advisory International Editor of Journal of Radio and Audio Media. Member of the Editorial Board of The Radio Journal. Member of the research network “RIPE” about public service media (Ferrell Lowe, G. & P. Jauert.(eds.) (2005). Cultural Dilemmas in Public Service Broadcasting. Göteborg:Nordicom). Head of the Community Communication Section of IAMCR, the International Association of Media and Communication Research.

Associate Professor Per Jauert
Department of Information and Media Studies
University of Aarhus
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N.

Email: pjauert @


Lowe, Gregory Ferrell and Jauert, Per (Eds.) (2005) Cultural Dilemmas in Public Service Broadcasting. pp.37–55. Nordicom, Göteborg University, Sweden.