The original research by DRACE has been published in a range of books and journals.
O’Neill, B., Ala-Fossi, M., Jauert, P., Lax, S., Nyre, L., Shaw, H (2010) Digital Radio in Europe: Technologies, Industries and Culture. Intellect Press.
Book chapters
Ala-Fossi, Marko & Lax, Stephen (2008) The impact of the internet on business models in the media industries. A sector-by-sector analysis: Radio. -In Küng, Lucy; Picard, Robert G. and Towse, Ruth (2008) The Internet and the Mass Media, pp.159-163. London:Sage.
Ala-Fossi, Marko & Jauert, Per (2006) Nordic Radio in the Digital Age. – In Carlsson, Ulla (ed.) Nordic Media Trends 9: Radio, TV & Internet in the Nordic Countries. Meeting the Challenges of New Media Technology, pp. 65–87. Nordicom, Göteborg University, Sweden.
Ala-Fossi, Marko (2005) Culture and Quality in Broadcast Media. Market Dynamics and Organizational Dependencies. – In Lowe, Gregory Ferrell and Jauert, Per (Eds.) (2005) Cultural Dilemmas in Public Service Broadcasting, pp.37–55. Nordicom, Göteborg University, Sweden.
Ala-Fossi, Marko (2004) Digital Reflections of Finnish Speech Journalism – YLE Radio Peili. – In Crisell, Andrew ( ed.) More Than a Music Box : Radio Cultures and Communities in a Multi Media World, pp.57–74. Oxford / New York : Berghahn Books.
Articles in peer reviewed journals
O’Neill, B. (2009) ‘DAB Eureka-147: A European Vision for Digital Radio’, New Media Society February/March 2009 vol. 11 no. 1-2, pp. 261-278.
Nyre, Lars (2008, in press) ‘Normative Media Research. A rationale for attempting to change the mass media’ in Nordicom Review.
Nyre, Lars (2008, under publishing) ‘The Broadcast Public and its Problems’. Accepted with revisions by Javnost – the Public.
O’Neill, B. (2008) ‘Digital Radio Policy in Canada: from analog replacement to multimedia convergence’, Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 15(1): 26 – 40.
Ala-Fossi, Marko; Lax, Stephen; O’Neill, Brian; Jauert, Per and Shaw, Helen (2008) ‘The Future of Radio is Still Digital – But Which One? Expert Perspectives and Future Scenarios for the Radio Media in 2015’. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, Vol 15, No. 1. pp. 4–25.
Nyre, Lars & Ala-Fossi, Marko (2008) ‘The Next Generation Platform: Comparing Audience Registration and Participation in Digital Sound Media’. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, Vol 15, No. 1. pp. 41–58.
Lax, Stephen; Ala-Fossi, Marko; Jauert, Per and Shaw, Helen (2008) ‘DAB: the future of radio. The development of digital radio in four European countries’. Media, Culture & Society , Vol. 30, No. 2. pp 151–166.
Nyre, Lars (2007) ‘Minimum Journalism. Experimental procedures for democratic participation in sound media’, in Journalism Studies (8)3: 397-413.
Nyre, Lars (2007) ‘What happens when I turn on the TV set?’, in Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. 4(2).
O’Neill, B. (2007) ‘Digital Audio Broadcasting in Canada: technology and policy in the transition to digital radio’. Canadian Journal of Communication, 32(1): 71-90.
O’Neill, B. (2007) ‘CBC.CA: Branding, Canadianization and broadcast sovereignty on the web’, Convergence 12(2): 179-197.
Nyre, Lars (2006) ‘The Interactive Sublime’, in A. Schorr, S. Seltman (red). Changing media markets in Europe and abroad. New ways of handling information and entertainment content. New York: Pabst (s. 273-287).
Nyre, Lars (2005) ‘Good communication: A matter of cultural technique’, i Usluata & Rosenbaum (eds.) Shaping the Future of Communication Research in Europe. Istanbul: Yeditepe University Publications.
Ala-Fossi, Marko & Stavitsky, Alan G. (2003) ‘Understanding IBOC : Digital Technology for Analog Economics’. Journal of Radio Studies, Vol. 10, No.1, 2003. pp. 63–79. Washington, USA: Broadcast Education Association.