The book explores communities and identities in Finnish history. In the book communities are seen as spaces of unity, which produce collective identities, such as membership of family, local society, church, estate or nation. Community is based on comprehension of in which group we belong and which we don´t. Finland has always been a assortment of heterogenous spaces, communities and beliefs and the conception of Finland/Finnish has been constantly in move. The book describes this plurality and outlines, what Finland/Finnish has meant to people in different times.
New Book: The History of Finnish Society 1400–2000 Vol. 2: Communities and Identities (Published in Finnish)

The History of Finnish Society 1400–2000 Vol. 2: Communities and Identities (Suomalaisen yhteiskunnan historia osa 2: Yhteisöt ja identiteetit)
Edited by Pirjo Markkola, Pertti Haapala & Marjaana Niemi
Published by Vastapaino, Tampere