Exploring Historical War Experiences through Digital Sources and Methodologies Workshop 22.4.2024 event
Call for Papers: Exploring Historical War Experiences through Digital Sources and Methodologies 15.1.2024 event news
"Expectations and Uncertainties: Liminal Experiences in the Baltic Sea Region in the Early 1990s" Workshop 17.10.2023 event news
Open Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Project: “A Dim Light of Dawn: Finnish Post-Cold War Experiences Between East and West, 1989–1995” 25.8.2023 news
BOOK LAUNCH: Experiencing Society and the Lived Welfare State at SOC Think Café, 30 August 2023 at 14:00 1.8.2023 news publication
Exploring the mediation of children’s experiences: two-day international workshop 13.6.2023 event news