Teemasta on äänentutkimuksen opintokokonaisuudessa valittavana seuraavat kurssit
MTAA01 Kokemus, tulkinta ja analyysi (5 op)
Opintojaksolla analysoidaan media- ja kulttuuriaineistoja (kertomuksia, esityksiä, tekstejä, pelejä) ja niiden merkityksiä paikannetaan suhteessa representaation, identiteetin, läsnäolon ja multimodaalisuuden kysymyksiin.
Linkki opetusohjelmaan: Kokemus, tulkinta ja analyysi
MTAA03 Tila, teknologia ja toiminta (5 op)
Opetus tutustuttaa tilan, teknologian ja toiminnan kysymyksiin mediatutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Käsiteltäviä teemoja ovat tila, aistit ja teknologia(t); kehollisuus ja teknorytmit; moni- ja jokapaikkaisuus, mediatilat ja toiminta; leikki ja pelillisyys.
Linkki opetusohjelmaan: Tila, teknologia ja toiminta
MTMS04a Sound: between material, medium and metaphor (5 op) (only available in English)
The course focuses on how sound participates in knowledge production in social relationships, cultural products and in intelligent digitalized infrastructures. During the session, students will explore the cultural, social, technological and material dimensions of sound and listening. Themes are linked with the current societal challenges such as climate change and sustainable culture, and multiculturalism. The course also includes practical sessions in which students will learn how to work with and analyze audio materials relating to the topics and theories explored in class.
Link: Sound: between material, medium and metaphor
SDL.620 Sound Design in the Algorithmic Culture (5 op)
The course focuses on understanding the multidimensionality of sound in the digital environments (for example generative soundscapes, audio storytelling, and games) and develops students’ critical understanding of how sound can be used in creating inclusive media practices.
Link: SDL.620 Sound Design in the Algorithmic Culture
IM00BS71-3009 Advanced IPR workshop (TAMK) (3 op)
Essential copyright and contract issues in mechanised music and AV-production. Do you really believe you know enough of IPRs? No you don’t, even after this online course. But we have some evidence that students have learnt a lot of good manners, how to protect their musical copyrights, the most important property they have in future.
Link: IM00BS71-3009 Advanced IPR workshop