Sustainable welfare systems (SWS) is a profiling initiative funded by the Academy of Finland 2020-2023. The program will launch a research community to support research on welfare systems as well as campus and faculty crossing collaboration at TUNI. Two positions for postdoctoral researchers will be opened in the early autumn 2020. In the future we will also provide seed funding related to the SWS themes. Are you conducting research on related themes? Please join us!

The SWS programme is built on the idea that the growing complexity of the society calls for new multidisciplinary approaches and combining various competences. This is supported by platform- and ecosystem-based models to allow collaboration between researchers from various disciplines and organizations as well as with stakeholders outside the academia.


Taken the large scope of “sustainable welfare systems” the program gives special attention to question on how knowledge and information can be used to support and improve the governance of welfare systems, implementation of welfare policies and the agency of patients, customers, citizens, professionals and decision-makers. The theme includes, but is not necessarily limited to, four perspectives:

·         funding and politics

·         advances in medical and social technologies

·         organizational and managerial challenges

·         citizen, customer and patient orientation

The program will be launched with the following activities during the autumn 2020:

·         A pilot on Teams-based research community with facilitated online activities: the idea is to test whether this kind of online community is helpful in supporting networking across disciplinary, faculty and campus boundaries under the exceptional conditions caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

·         First SWS workshop (Teams or Tampere-talo) on 8th October 2020 at 9.00-13.00: the aim of the workshop is to provide all researchers at TUNI with an opportunity to meet and to have a say on research themes, distribution of funding and the operations of the new research program. Please save the date!

·         In line with the objectives of SWS a call for two Postdoctoral positions affiliated with the research programme are opened in early autumn.

·         In November network of researchers between TUNI and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) will be established with the first joint event.

For more information please see SWS website or contact the program coordinator Nadja Nordling:, 050 318 7404.