Funded Projects are as follows:
Turunen, Markku – Etä- ja virtuaaliteknologiat lasten ja nuorten mielenterveyden haasteiden kuntoutuksessa
Rannisto, Pasi-Heikki – Sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluita uudistavaa innovaatioekosysteemiä kehittämässä
van Gerven, Minna – Crafting Digital Welfare States
Sieberg, Katri K – Experimental Research on Supplier Induced Demand in Healthcare
Neupane, Subas – Mining Cohort Health Data
Our review team also accepted two follow-up funding proposals from the following projects:
van Gils, Mark – Good Life for the Older People
Maununaho, Katja – The Finnish Home and Sustainable Welfare Interconnections
All in all, SWS funded projects with a total worth of 121,200€. Thank you for all who participated in this round of seed funding and congratulations to the projects that had their proposal accepted!