SWS Funded Projects - Autumn 2021

SWS has succesfully completed the newest round of Seed funding! Many great projects have received funding also from this round. Our review team was unanimous in the final funding decisions.

Funded Projects are as follows:


Turunen, Markku – Etä- ja virtuaaliteknologiat lasten ja nuorten mielenterveyden haasteiden kuntoutuksessa

Rannisto, Pasi-Heikki – Sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluita uudistavaa innovaatioekosysteemiä kehittämässä

van Gerven, Minna – Crafting Digital Welfare States

Sieberg, Katri K – Experimental Research on Supplier Induced Demand in Healthcare

Neupane, Subas – Mining Cohort Health Data


Our review team also accepted two follow-up funding proposals from the following projects:

van Gils, Mark – Good Life for the Older People

Maununaho, Katja – The Finnish Home and Sustainable Welfare Interconnections


All in all, SWS funded projects with a total worth of 121,200€. Thank you for all who participated in this round of seed funding and congratulations to the projects that had their proposal accepted!