Thomas Apperley, Senior Research Fellow
From Facebook to Meta: The Metaverse and the Future of Personal Data and Online Misinformation
Playful and social media have altered creativity, knowledge and learning. However, the benefits and costs of these transformations are being distributed unevenly. It is therefore important to be able to prepare future generations for rapidly changing knowledge environments. Read more >>
Natalya Bekhta, Senior Research Fellow
After Utopia – Futural Imagination and the Literatures of the Former
“Second World”
Utopia in all its forms is intrinsic to how our age thinks about the present and beyond. From the study of “futurity” and the search for “real utopias” in sociology and political economy to the popularity of fantastic, apocalyptic and dystopian fictions in TV series, film and literature, a search for a better world is a key concern of recent times. Read more >>
Reetta Eiranen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Gender, Experience and Ambivalent Nationalism in Nineteenth-century Finland
What is the history of experience, emotions, gender and nationalism like? What can it tell us about today’s nationalism and its significance to common people? Read more >>
Millaista on kokemuksen, tunteiden, sukupuolen ja nationalismin historia? Mitä se voi kertoa meille tämän päivän nationalismista ja sen merkityksestä tavalliselle ihmiselle? Lue lisää >>
Ahmed Farooq, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Intelligent Haptic Mediation for Vibrotactile Feedback
What if you could use your eyesight, hearing, touch, and smell to engage with virtual objects and environments? Novel communication platforms for Human–Human and Human–Computer Interaction make this possible. Read more >>
Antonio Federico, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
DR-Oracle: An Integrated Data Space for Novel, Reliable and Translatable Drug Repositioning Applications
Big data might mean big discoveries for the treatment of complex diseases. By harnessing the power of big data, the study aims at discovering novel therapeutic molecules and, ultimately, more effective therapies for patients to improve their lives. Read more >>
Olga Galinina, Senior Research Fellow
Future Dynamic Collaborative Learning
My goal is to use human-centric collective intelligence and networking solutions to enhance the learning and decision-making abilities of machines, making them more intelligent and creative, Galinina explains. – I believe that we can create machine systems that can learn and reason collectively without sharing their underlying data or models. Read more >>
Murthy Grandhi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Lead-Free Perovskite-Inspired Materials for Indoor Photovoltaic Applications (PIM-IPV)
Picture this: you turn on your coffee machine as your kids are watching TV on a gloomy Saturday morning in November. Your coffee machine is powered by your kitchen lights, your kitchen lights are powered by the light of Peppa the Pig blasting on the TV screen. No electric wires, plugs or electricity bills required. Read more >>
Regina Gumenyuk, Senior Research Fellow
Attosecond Phenomena Probing by High-power Structured Beam Generation (ATTOPRO)
Light is something we are so used to that we take it for granted. From the early hours of the morning to bedtime, light surrounds us like the air that we breathe. Most of us think of light only as the opposite of darkness: without light, it would be impossible for us to see. However, light can do so much more for us. Read more >>
Terhi Helminen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Psychophysiology in Detecting Socio-cognitive Difficulties in Toddlers – iContactASD
Gaze behaviour can indicate difficulties in children’s social development and reveal their need for support as early as in toddler years. Read more >>
Katsekontakti voi paljastaa sosiaalisen kehityksen erityisyyttä ja tuen tarvetta jo taaperoiässä. Lue lisää >>
Tanja Hyvärinen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Studying Multiple Sclerosis Microglia Activation Utilizing Human Stem Cell Model
What is the significance of microglia or the resident immune cells of the brain in the developing of the MS disease? Can suitable drug targets be found by means of stem cells? Read more >>
Mikä merkitys mikroglioilla eli aivojen immuunisoluilla on MS-taudin kehittymisessä? Voiko kantasolujen avulla löytyä sopivia lääkeainekohteita? Lue lisää >>
Teemu Ihalainen, Senior Research Fellow
Mechanical Forces in Cells – Novel Co-regulators of Genome Organization and Gene Expression
How do physical forces and mechanics affect the functioning of individual cells? The answer to this question is being searched for by the Cellular Biophysics Research Group led by Teemu Ihalainen at Tampere University. Read more >>
Miten fysikaaliset voimat ja mekaniikka vaikuttavat yksittäisten solujen toimintaan? Vastausta etsii Teemu Ihalaisen johtama Cellular Biophysics -tutkimusryhmä Tampereen yliopistossa tavoitteenaan kehittää sovelluksia soluterapian tai syöpähoitojen avuksi. Lue lisää >>
Marjaana Jones, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Futures of Finnish Maternity Care: Commercial, Political and Experiential Framings
Public maternity care has long been the source of national pride in Finland. In recent years, it has been threatened by a storm of commercial service providers from birth consultants to private maternity clinics entering the market. How does the rise of these private maternity services affect the public maternity services and their future? Read more >>
Neuvola on ollut pitkään suomalaisten ylpeyden aihe. Viime vuosina sen asemaa ovat alkaneet uhata markkinoille rynnistäneet kaupalliset palveluntarjoajat synnytyskonsulteista yksityisiin neuvoloihin. Mitä yksityisten neuvolapalveluiden esiinmarssi tarkoittaa äitiysneuvolapalveluille ja niiden tulevaisuudelle? Lue lisää >>
Mikko Joronen, Senior Research Fellow
Dwelling Exposed: Posthuman Amputations, Affectual Disruptions, and Politics of Material Deprivation
How does it feel when your neighbourhood and your own body stink for days, even weeks? What is everyday life like when your sense of smell has been harnessed as a weapon and a tool for control? Read more >>
Miltä tuntuu, kun lähiympäristö ja oma keho haisevat kuvottavan pahalta päiväkausia, jopa viikkoja? Millaista arki on, kun oma hajuaisti on valjastettu aseeksi ja hallinnan välineeksi? Lue lisää >>
Panu Karjalainen, Senior Research Fellow
Fuel-operated Auxiliary Heaters in Vehicles – Large Emissions but No Regulations
Which one pollutes the air more, car exhaust fumes or use of the auxiliary heater? Research into emissions from car auxiliary heaters has been scarce so far, but the situation is now changing. Read more >>
Saastuttavatko ilmaa enemmän auton pakokaasut vai lisälämmittimen käyttö? Autojen lisälämmittimien tuottamien päästöjen tutkimus on tähän asti ollut vähäistä, mutta tilanne on muuttumassa. Lue lisää >>
Janne T. Koivisto, Postdoctoral Fellow
De-coupling Hydrogel Microstructure and Mechanical Properties When Modeling the Vascularization of Bone
The greatest challenge of traditional cell culture performed on a two-dimensional surface has always been the fact that a human body is not a 2D environment. In order for the cultured cells to function and behave as they do in the human body, the cell growth surface area would have to correspond the natural environment of the cells as accurately as possible. Read more >>
Perinteisen kaksiulotteisilla pinnoilla tehtävän soluviljelyn suurin haaste on aina ollut, että ihmisen keho ei ole 2D-ympäristö. Jotta viljellyt solut toimisivat ja käyttäytyisivät kuten ne tekevät ihmisen kehossa, kasvatusalustan olisi vastattava mahdollisimman tarkasti solujen luonnollista ympäristöä. Lue lisää >>
Angela Serra, Senior Research Fellow
Integrated Artificial Intelligence Modelling for Compound Development
Artificial intelligence-based methods are effective tools for the analysis of big data and to identify patterns in them. They can be used to aid chemical safety assessment and to discover drugs that exert specific molecular alterations and therapeutic effects. Read more >>
Ville Suuronen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Democracy Without Liberalism: Toward a Political Theory of Illiberal Democracy
The impacts of illiberal democracy are felt all over Europe, for example in Poland Poland who has started to roll back the legal right to abortion. This study helps to understand the political trends at the time when new kinds of extremist movements are supported more than earlier in Western liberal democracies. Read more >>
Illiberaalin demokratian vaikutukset tuntuvat kaikkialla Euroopassa, esimerkiksi Puolassa, jossa on alettu rajoittamaan aborttioikeutta. Tutkimus auttaa ymmärtämään poliittisia kehityslinjoja aikana, jolloin uudenlaiset ääriliikkeet saavat aiempaa laajempaa kannatusta länsimaisissa liberaalidemokratioissa. Lue lisää >>
Keijo Viiri, Senior Research Fellow
Intestinal Signalling and Epigenetics
If you needed to choose between a strict special diet for the rest of your life or not so strict a diet and protective drug treatment, which one would you choose? For celiac patients, there are no options at the moment, because the only treatment is to leave out grains with gluten in them from their diet entirely. The situation can change, however, if the study reaches its goals. Read more >>
Jos sinun pitäisi valita, kumman ottaisit: tinkimättömän erikoisruokavalion loppuelämäksi vai ei niin tiukan dieetin ja suojaavan lääkehoidon? Keliaakikoille vaihtoehtoja ei tällä hetkellä ole, sillä ainoa hoitokeino on jättää ruokavaliosta gluteenia sisältävät viljat kokonaan pois. Tilanne voi kuitenkin muuttua tutkimuksen tavoitteiden toteutuessa. Lue lisää >>