Road safety has progressed positively in many countries, one example being Finland where several major road safety policies were introduced in the 1970s. In Finland, the highest number of road fatalities (1156) was seen in 1972, while in 2003 the number was 379 and, in 2021, 225.
This study presents the assessed impacts of 49 key policy actions and decisions related to traffic safety in Finland based on road safety experts’ views, with special focus on years 2004 to 2021, and 1970 to 2003 as background.
During the first decade of this millennium, road fatalities reduced but, in the 2010s, safety did not develop as was targeted. Based on experts’ views, the policies during 2010s included controversial policy actions that aimed at reducing road users’ costs instead of going for road safety gains. Policies supporting safe road user behavior, speeds, vehicles and roads need to be further promoted.
The research article “Assessing Road Safety Impacts of Policy Actions in Finland 2004-2021”, written by Markus Pöllänen and Tapio Katko, has been published in the journal Public Works Management & Policy. The article is available (open access) on the journal website.