Towards the Development of Winter Road Maintenance with Nordic Co-operation

Winter maintenance has significant impact on our society. With properly managed winter maintenance it is possible to create safe conditions to travel in the point of view of both individuals and the business life. But when there are problems in maintenance the effects for the whole traffic system can be significant. Winter maintenance does not have an impact only on the traffic safety and traffic flow but it also affects the reliability of business life and creates significant economic consequences.


Plow in snowy scene

The purpose of the preliminary study, realised by Transport Research Centre Verne, was to find out what are the most important development needs in winter road maintenance in Nordic countries in the point of view of different stakeholders. Information was gathered with interviews, workshops, Internet-surveys and literature review. The goal was to prepare the realization and content of a broader winter maintenance research program. The study was funded by Finnish Transport Agency, Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi) and three Finnish municipalities: Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta and Helsinki. The project was realized in close co-operation with the Nordiskt Vägforum (NVF) and Finnish Road Association.

Even though Nordic countries already do co-operation in winter maintenance there still is a chance to strengthen the co-operation and knowledge exchange between different stakeholders. As a result from the preliminary study a base project for the start of the research program is planned to be realized. During the base project the goal is to strengthen the co-operation in winter maintenance in Nordic countries, collect information of winter road maintenance research into one portal and create a base for co-operation in research. At the same time it is possible to consolidate the know-how and competence of winter maintenance in the point of view of different stakeholders.

WIN-WINTER – Nordic winter road maintenance research program, preliminary study (project report, pdf)

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Markus Pöllänen

  • Lecturer
  • Transport Research Centre Verne
  • Faculty of Built Environment
  • Tampere University
  • +358408490285
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