Intestinal Signalling and Epigenetics

Intestinal Signalling and Epigenetics (ISE) group is focused on studying signalling mechanisms maintaining the tissue homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium and epigenetic mechanisms running the errands of these signals leading to altered gene expression and different cell faiths i.e. differentiation. We are also studying how these mechanisms contribute to the cell plasticity where progenitor cells committed to differentiation kindle their regenerative potential and dedifferentiate back to intestinal stem cells when needed.

We use organoid models, transgenic animals, and high-throughput genome-wide methods when pursuing our research tasks. Our ultimate goal is to provide new tools for the treatment of celiac disease and diabesity and associated metabolic disorders. We also study basic molecular mechanisms regulating the secretion of small intestinal peptide hormones and their role in glycaemic and satiety control. Finally, molecular pathogenesis of the celiac disease and loss of oral tolerance to dietary gluten is also pursued in our group.

ISE is led by adjunct professor Keijo Viiri who received his PhD from University of Tampere and has worked as a postdoc in University College London, Cancer Institute, UK. He started his own research group as an Academy Research Fellow in 2017.

Orcid: 0000-0002-7167-5094