CFP – History of Experience: Methodologies and Practices, 2-4 March 2020

The third international conference of HEX will be held on March 2-4, 2020, in Tampere University, Finland.

The theme of the conference is

History of Experience: Methodologies and Practices

The conference aims to deepen and diversify the methodology of the history of experiences, and to connect it to historian’s practices. What do we do, as historians, when studying and conceptualizing experience? How do we choose methodologies and why, and how they anticipate potential explanations?

History of experience means individual, social, and collective experiences as historically conditioned phenomena. ‘Experience’ refers here to a theoretically and methodologically conceptualized study of human experiences that has potential to bridge structures, ideologies, and individual agency, which has been a difficult gap to close. But potential also includes challenges: How do subjective experiences influence knowledge regimes, social order and divisions, institutions, or other structures, and how do structures shape experiences? How do historians deal with connecting individual and society?

Invited keynote speakers are Professor Javier Moscoso from the Institute of History of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and Professor Jacqueline Van Gent from the University of Western Australia.

Please submit abstracts (approx. 250 words) for 20-minute paper presentations by November 18 at the website. You can also propose a whole session with 4 papers maximum. Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than December 16. There is no conference fee.

The conference is organized by the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences (HEX), hosted by Tampere University. HEX is seeking new ways to study experiences and their role in explaining history. HEX studies experiences as lived realities and focuses on three wide-ranging cultural and societal phenomena: lived religion, lived nation, and lived welfare state.

More information can be found from the conference webpage. For more information on the conference, please write to


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