Come and meet our major studies!

IHA Day event will be held at our Mobile Hydraulics Lab on October 3th, 2024. The lab opens its doors to introduce the lab’s facilities and machines. Please, join the event and you will hear more about the major “Intelligent heavy machines”, and you can meet our researchers on this field.

IHA Mobile Hydraulics Laboratory opens its doors for you

  • Meet Advanced Studies in Intelligent Heavy Machines
  • Get Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis topics
  • Talk to researchers, IHA alumni and professors
  • Discover our machines in action
  • Join our research groups
  • Enjoy refreshments and snacks

Place: Mobile lab, Korkeakoulunkatu 16 (behind Päärakennus) at Google maps

Time and date: 3.10.2024, 10.00 – 14.00

Studies at IHA:

Future employees:

Some photos from earlier IHA days