Publication: Synchronized Full-Field Strain and Temperature Measurements of Commercially Pure Titanium under Tension at Elevated Temperatures and High Strain Rates 3.1.2022 Yleinen
Publication: Impact performance of natural fiber reinforced composites can be improved by hybridization 16.11.2021 Yleinen
Publication: Effects of strain rate on strain-induced martensite nucleation and growth in 301LN metastable austenitic steel 9.11.2021 Yleinen
Publication: The Taylor–Quinney coefficients and strain hardening of commercially pure titanium, iron, copper, and tin in high rate compression 28.6.2021 Yleinen
Publication: Understanding bond strength of flax fiber composite - steel hybrid materials 2.6.2021 Yleinen
Publication: How much heat is generated in dynamic brittle fracture of fiber reinforced polymer ? 14.10.2020 Yleinen
Publication: Quantitative assessment of full field displacement images to analyze functions of the human heart during heart surgery 7.10.2020 Yleinen
Publication: DIC results indicate that future supercapacitors can be comfortably worn on skin as a powerbank to power medical devices 24.9.2020 Yleinen
Publication: An exploratory study on strengthening and thermal stability of magnetron sputtered W nanoparticles at the interface of Cu/Ni multilayer films 5.9.2020 Yleinen