Project´s goal is to enhance recruiters´ digital skills by providing Finnish-language guidance on the effective use of digital recruitment tools. The intention is to enable and promote fairer hiring practices.
There is a great need in Finland to find solutions to the skills shortage. However, at the same time, unemployment among higher education graduates is increasing, immigrants struggle to find jobs that match their skills, and the potential of aging workers may go unnoticed in the labor market. Researchers in the Inclusive Recruitment Recearch Project believe that one solution lies in inclusive recruitment and the responsible and efficient use of digital tools. Recruiters’ knowledge and skills in utilizing algorithm-assisted recruitment tools can vary significantly. One of the project’s objectives is to provide materials for recruiters to help bridge potential skill gaps in these areas. The project will feature training materials, a chatbot tool, webinars, podcasts, and written content for various publications.
The project team includes researchers Heidi Lehtovaara, Matti Laukkarinen and Sami Koivunen.
Research project lasts until 2026 and is funded by Ami-Foundation. Project´s partners and co-operators are Duunitori, the City of Helsinki/Stadin HR, Sinun tekoäly Oy, StartupRefugees, and the Federation of Finnish Enterprises (Suomen Yrittäjät).
More information from the project´s website!