Theme: Work Communities, Change and Development

In this theme, working communities, their practices and changes, as well as the consequences for the meaningfulness and the quality of work, learning requirements and conditions are studied and developed. In addition, the focus is especially on organizational change processes, the obstacles and prerequisites of their implementation processes, including also the activities of management and personnel as part of the whole of work communities.


Etätyöterveysneuvottelu – uusia toimintamalleja ja toimivaa vuorovaikutusta työkyvyn tueksi (2021–2023)
Coordinator: Johanna Ruusuvuori
Funding: The Finnish Work Environment Fund

Capable – becoming resilient in the hotel and restaurant business (2021–2023)(website currently only in Finnish)
Coordinator: Anne Mäkikangas
Funding: ESF

Kokoukset ja niiden tuottavuus monipaikkaisessa työssä (2021–2022)
Coordinator: Anne Mäkikangas
Funding: Tieteenraivaajat, Tampere University

Sotehelmet (2021–2022)
Coordinator: Sirpa Syvänen
Funding: European Social Fund, STM

Renewing Dialogues in Social and Health Care – Leadership, Well-being and Productivity (2019–2023)
Coordinator: Sirpa Syvänen
Funding: ESF, The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health