Theme: Labour Market, Uses of Labour Force and Active Labour Market Policies

In this stream the labour market is studied from the perspective of structures as well as individual experiences. Research topics include structural changes in the labour market and their governance, uses of labour force (nonstandard employment, self-employment, platform work), the position of vulnerable groups (e.g. those with partial work capacity, immigrants), employment careers, unemployment and active labour market policies (ALMPs). ALMPs are studied from the perspectives of barriers to employment, ways to promote employment, unemployment security and employment services. This research utilises multi-method research designs. It makes use of  for example register data, data from the administration and frontline workers, and data collected from the employed and unemployed population itself.


Employment and Social Security Careers of the Population out of Labour Force (2022–2025)
Coordinator: Satu Ojala
Funding: Kone Foundation

Sociology of testing (2020–2024)
Coordinator: Virve Peteri
Funding: Kone Foundation

State of emergency and resilience in the cultural economy organizations (2021–2023)
Coordinator: Arja Haapakorpi
Funding: European Social Fund, The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

From Margins of Labour Markets towards Empowerment? (MARTE) (2018–2021)
Coordinator: Sanni Tiitinen
Funding: Academy of Finland (post-doctoral researcher fund)

The future of work: Opportunities and challenges for the Nordic models (2017–2021)
Contact person: Antti Saloniemi
Funding: Nordic Council of Ministers

Multiple job holding – practices and institutional frame (2019–2020)
Coordinator: Harri Melin
Funding: The Finnish Work Environment Fund

Fragmented Work Careers? – Research Project (2018–2020)
Coordinator: Satu Ojala
Funding: The Finnish Work Environment Fund

Economic crises, well-being at work and career development (2015–2017)
Coordinator: Pasi Pyöriä
Funding: The Finnish Work Environment Fund