Time is money? Schedules, Time Negotiations, Time Coordination and ICT in Family (FamilyTies)

Funding: Academy Research Fellow Project, Academy of Finland

Duration: 1.9.2015-31.8.2020

Project leader: Mia Tammelin, contact: mia.tammelin@tuni.fi



Time is fundamental to the orchestration and synchronisation of social life. Families have their own rhythms and schedules, yet neither individuals nor families are isolated from the structures of the surrounding society. Dual-earner couples are particularly prone to difficulties with time, due to the number of schedules which must be coordinated. Maintaining a fulfilling family life entails family members spending time together ‑ ‘face-time’ .

ICTs are changing the temporal and spatial parameters of social life and family time. Research on working life has demonstrated that paid work is moving beyond its traditional temporal and spatial boundaries. These changes bring with them new issues and questions.

This project (1) extends understanding of the impact of ICTs on the daily life of working parents; (2) provides in-depth knowledge of how working time, including many dimensions, affect family life and (3) develops a theoretical model of the family time economy which is analysed by empirical data. It contributes to existing research on family life and ICTs, and research on work and family life. The project is based on recognition that despite vast amount of literature on work-family relations and working time, there is a dearth of research analysing the many dimensions of working time, family time and the impact that ICTs have on the family life of working parents.

The project has two intersecting themes: (a) the relationship between post-industrial schedules and family life and (b) how ICTs influence family life.


Contact: mia.tammelin@tuni.fi


  • Tammelin, Mia. (2018) Family, Work and Wellbeing. Emerging new issues. Springer Briefs, Springer Nature
  • Rönkä, Anna, Ekonen, Marianne, Tammelin, Mia & Turja, Leena (2017) Management in the 24/7-society raises concerns of fairness and social responsibility. Social Responsibility Journal
  • Rönkä Anna, Turja Leena, Malinen Kaisa, Tammelin Mia & Kekkonen Marjatta (2017) Flexibly scheduled early childhood education and care: Experiences of Finnish parents and educators. Early Years.
  • Murtorinne-Lahtinen Minna, Moilanen Sanna, Tammelin Mia, Rönkä Anna & Laakso Marja-Leena (2016) Mothers’ non-standard schedules and family time: enhancing regularity and togetherness. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Vol. 36 Iss: 1/2, pp.119 – 135 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJSSP-02-2015-0022
  • Anttila, T., Oinas, T., Nätti J. & Tammelin, M. (2015) Flexibility regimes and work hour fit in Europe. European Sociological Review (2015). DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcv070
  • Tammelin, M., Malinen K., Verhoef, M. & Rönkä, A. (2015) Work-family conflict and nonstandard working time in Finland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Journal of Family Issues. Journal of Family Issues, May 5, 2015
  • Oinas, Tomi, Tammelin, Mia, Anttila, Timo (2015) Työaika, rytmiristiriidat ja perhe (Working time and family rythms). Tilastokekuksen Tutkimuksia -sarja.
  • Verhoef, M., Tammelin, M., May, V., Roeters, A. & Rönkä, A.(2015) Childcare and parental work schedules. Community, Work & Family DOI:10.1080/13668803.2015.1024609