Work Place discrimination and later work careers (2015 – 2017)

Project funded by the Work environment fund

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Final report (in Finnish): Loppuraportti

Seminar (Päätösseminaari) in 2017


research group

Jouko Nätti, Tampereen yliopisto, jouko.natti [at], kotisivu

Niina Viitasalo

Marjut Pietiläinen, Tilastokeskus, marjut.pietilainen [at], Tilastokeskuksen tasa-arvosivusto

Liudmila Lipiäinen, Tampereen yliopisto, liudmila.lipiainen [at]

Satu Ojala, Tampereen yliopisto, satu.ojala [at], kotisivu

Rauha Hyvönen, Tampereen yliopisto

Katri Otonkorpi-Lehtoranta, kotisivu

Minna Leinonen, kotisivu

Esa Jokinen, kotisivu

Päivi Korvajärvi, Tampereen yliopisto, kotisivu


Marjut Pietiläinen, Niina Viitasalo, Liudmila Lipiäinen, Satu Ojala, Minna Leinonen, Katri Otonkorpi-Lehtoranta, Esa Jokinen, Päivi Korvajärvi & Jouko Nätti: TYÖSSÄ KOETTU SYRJINTÄ JA MYÖHEMPI TYÖURA. Loppuraportti, Työsuojelurahaston tutkimushanke 2015–2017. Työelämän tutkimuskeskus, Tampereen yliopisto.

Marjut Pietiläinen, Niina Viitasalo, Jouko Nätti, Satu Ojala ja Päivi Korvajärvi: Ikä- ja sukupuolisyrjintä työssä. Talous & Yhteiskunta 4/2016.

Niina Viitasalo (2016) Nuoret ja ikäsyrjintä työelämässä. Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja 3/2016.

Niina Viitasalo (2015) Varttuneet ja ikäsyrjintä työelämässä. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1609. PDF

Marjut Pietiläinen & Miina Keski-Petäjä (2014) Työsyrjinnän seuranta Suomessa. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön julkaisuja. Työ ja yrittäjyys 53/2014. Helsinki. PDF

Marjut Pietiläinen (toim. 2013) Työ, talous ja tasa-arvo. Helsinki: Tilastokeskus. PDF

Activities of the research Group 

WORK Conference Turku 2017 / abstrakti:

Perceived gender discrimination at work and subsequent long-term sickness absence among Finnish female employees, Marjut Pietiläinen, Jouko Nätti, Satu Ojala

Introduction: There are growing concerns in many European countries that higher employment rates are needed and employees should prolong their working careers. However, various adverse working conditions, like the incidence of gender-discrimination, may cause disincentives for workers. Gender discrimination is described as unfair treatment caused by the prejudices related to gender. In practice, gender discrimination can manifest in recruiting, access to training, and in transition to pension. Objective: The aim of this article is to examine how perceived gender discrimination at work is related to the number of sick leave days in the subsequent three-year period among Finnish female employees. Methods:The data consists of the representative Finnish Quality of Working Life Surveys (FQWLS) from the years 1997, 2003 and 2008, conducted by Statistics Finland, and merged with register-based follow-up data. The questionnaires comprise a comprehensive set of questions including questions about gender discrimination. The present study was restricted to 20-60 -year-old female employees (n=5,744). Long-term sickness absence information was drawn from the register data. The Finnish Social Insurance Institution (KELA) keeps records on sickness allowances paid for medically certified sickness absence of more than 10 days for the entire population. Long-term sickness absence in the years before each survey (1996, 2002, and 2007) were treated as baseline absenteeism, and the accumulated number of days on long-term sick leave during the subsequent three years (1998-2000, 2004-2006, and 2009-2011) was used as an outcome measure. A negative binomial model was used in the analysis of subsequent sickness absence days. Results: Perceived gender discrimination was associated to long-term sickness absence after controlling various background, work, and health-related factors. Conclusions: Gender discrimination at work is a significant risk factor for sickness absence.

6th Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Helsinki 2016: Marjut Pietiläinen   

Discrimination at work and work career in a 7-year follow-up study, Marjut Pietiläinen, Niina Viitasalo, Satu Ojala, Jouko Nätti, Liudmila Lipiäinen & Päivi Korvajärvi

Using data from employee-representative Finnish Quality of Work Life Surveys in 1997 and 2003 merged with a 7-year register follow-up, we analyse how heterogeneous forms of discrimination at work are reflected in work career follow-up (employed months, unemployed months). Employees having experienced discrimination due to age (young, or old age), gender, family, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or due to several of these, are analyzed.

First, we apply sequence analysis to analyze the yearly employment positions of all Finnish employees in a 7-year follow-up. Six types of clusters of work careers are formed. As a second step, we then continue to analyze the probability of employees, who have experienced discrimination, to place to certain work career clusters. Multinomial logistic regression will be used for this second step, controlling for important background issues.

Study on testing discrimination questions with internet questioning method, Marjut Pietiläinen & Anna Pärnänen, Statistics Finland

According to the Quality of Work Life Survey 2013 two per cent of all employees have experienced age discrimination directed at young people and two per cent age discrimination towards aged people. Four per cent of women and around two per cent of men have experienced gender-based discrimination themselves. The survey can be considered a relatively reliable tool for measuring the experiences of employees in terms of discrimination: the sample is large, the response rate is high, the questions have remained virtually unchanged for as long as 15 years, and the survey is conducted with a reliable face-to-face interview method.

However, discrimination and unequal treatment is a very challenging survey object. Although the survey is relatively reliable and gives us a good idea of the prevalence of the observed and experienced discrimination and unequal treatment at workplace, it doesn’t tell us how respondents have understood these questions or how serious the discrimination situation has been. The topic can also be sensitive for respondents and interpretations of the concept may vary in different situations, times and between respondents. Specifying the reason of discrimination is not always that easy and may result to choose the option “other reason or hard to specify”. The deeper questioning is needed.

This presentation describes our study on testing the discrimination questions of the QWLS with the internet questioning method. The target is to find out the suitability of the internet questioning to questionnaire testing instead of the cognitive interviews, which have been the main testing method. Another objective is to investigate the questions and answering process on both observed and experienced discrimination as well as the level and seriousness of the discrimination. The target population consists of the respondents of the Work Life Survey 2013 who have objected or perceived gender or age based discrimination at their workplace and the reference group. In this presentation we will tell about the preliminary results of the study. 

Global Forum on Gender StatisticsAguascalientes, Mexico3-5 November 2014 / abstrakti:

Monitoring model on labour discrimination in the Finnish labour market, Marjut Pietiläinen

The purpose of this paper is to present the Finnish monitoring model on labour discrimination, which offers a new way to examine the prevalence of discrimination. The development project for the monitoring model started in late 2013 and the report will be published towards the end of 2014. The project is funded by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and the Ministry of the Interior, and it is conducted by Statistics Finland. The aim is to construct a monitoring model on labour discrimination and on that basis, prepare a report on the topic with the objective of presenting an overall image of the prevalence of labour discrimination, provide information for both decision-making and all people, and increase people’s knowledge regarding this phenomenon.