Men, Masculinities, Intersectionalities: The Nordic Research Conference, 3-4 November 2022, Online conference

Men, Masculinities, Intersectionalities: The Nordic Research Conference will take place online from 3 to 4 November 2022. The theme of the conference is intersectionalities with a focus on how intersectional perspectives can contribute to and enrich our understanding on men, masculinities and differences in the context of current globalocal hybrid-form challenges.

Complex globalocal problems involve a mix of material, social and cultural components. To address challenges these crises pose to diverse groups of individuals of various genders, we need a strong understanding of and engagement with various established and emerging categories of difference. It is also required to carry out intersectional analyses on political and institutional processes and practices as well as on cultural representations and value-making.

A relational understanding of the diversity of masculinities and manhoods has been a centerpiece of critical studies on men and masculinities since its establishment. Yet, many commentators have noted complications and awkwardness, and a sort of catch-up game that men and masculinity studies play in relation to the broader field of gender and feminist studies. This being said, vivid critical discussion, and emerging scholarship within the men and masculinity studies community, signals an increasing awareness of these complexities.

The conference calls for contributions that address both established (e.g. race, class, age, ability) and emerging categories (e.g. humans/other-than-humans, ‘new materialisms’) of difference in relation to men and masculinities. We encourage submissions from a wide range of research topics, methodologies and disciplines. Abstract submission will open 15 February 2022. The conference is free of charge, but registration is needed.