Mediajärjestelmät murroksessa: BRICS-maiden haaste

See the BRICS project pages for more detailed information.

This project is concerned with comparing media systems and journalism doctrines in the new coalition in global politics known as “BRICS” – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This provides a challenge to conventional ways of approaching media systems and the role of journalism in society.

The project examines, firstly, the theoretical concepts of
a) media system
b) role of media and journalists in democracies
c) freedom and independence of media
by placing the BRICS countries within a global context.

Secondly, the project examines the empirical situation of
a) citizen participation in and through media
b) professional orientation of journalists
c) education of journalists
in the BRICS countries in a comparative context.

Background with references is provided in the Research plan submitted to the Academy of Finland in September 2011. The Academy decided in May 2012 to accept the project for four years of funding, beginning in September 2012.

Project publications: