Hybrid Media Events: Studying Terrorist Violence and Conspiracy Theories
For four years (2017–2021), the Hybrid Terrorizing (HYTE) research consortium has been developing new methodologies for studying global media events of terrorist violence. Consisting of researchers in media and communication studies, computational social sciences, as well as international politics and security studies, the project has explored ways to combine qualitative and computational research methods to analyse different types of media data, interviews, and fieldwork material. Members of the consortium come from Tampere University, the University of Helsinki, and the National Defense University.
This seminar introduces the main theoretical and methodological findings of the project funded by the Academy of Finland. The University of Helsinki research project, Politics of Conspiracy Theories (SAPO), is funded by the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation. The project examines the political usage of conspiracy theories in the context of hybrid media events of terrorist violence.
The seminar is open for all, but registration is required by August 19th through this online form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/112552/lomake.html. The Zoom link for the seminar will be sent to the email address you provide through the form.
The seminar programme
Day 1: Thursday 19th August 2021
10:00-12:00 EEST (UTC/GMT +3 hours)
Panel 1: Logics of attention in hybrid media events
Opening and introduction to the Hybrid Terrorizing (HYTE) research project
Associate Professor Katja Valaskivi, HYTE Research Consortium PI, Tampere University and University of Helsinki
Media event theory and the contemporary media environment
Associate Professor Johanna Sumiala, University of Helsinki
The Attention Apparatus and the Hype Machine: Commodified Communication in Hybrid Media Events
Associate Professor Katja Valaskivi and Postdoctoral Researcher Niina Uusitalo, Tampere University
Professor Nick Couldry, LSE, UK
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-15:00 (EEST (UTC/GMT +3 hours)
Panel 2: Methodological ideas and method development
The ethnographic field in researching the digital world
Postdoctoral Researcher Minttu Tikka, University of Helsinki and Aalto University
Studying hate speech on 4chan
Associate Professor Asta Zelenkauskaite, Drexel University, US
Computational methods with an ethnographic lens
Senior Researcher Jukka Huhtamäki, Tampere University
Professor Annette Markham, RMIT University, Australia
Day 2: Friday 20th August 2021
10:00-12:15 EEST (UTC/GMT +3 hours)
ROUNDTABLE: Encounters between Violence and Media
Introduction: Encounters between Violence and Media
Postdoctoral Researchers Noora Kotilainen, National Defence University and University of Helsinki, and Anu A. Harju, University of Helsinki
Dr. Tal Morse, Hadassah College, Jerusalem
“We are one”: Mediatized death rituals and the recognition of marginalized Others
Professor Kaarina Nikunen, Tampere University
Echo of experience: Feminist response to racialization of sexual crime in the hybrid media event
PhD Researcher Tijana Stolic, LSE, UK
Trafficked women in press journalism: Politics and ambivalence in the quest for visibility
Closing words of the seminar
Associate Professors Katja Valaskivi and Johanna Sumiala
Head of Research Consortium: Associate Professor Katja Valaskivi (katja.valaskivi at helsinki.fi)
Conference Assistant: Alli Wartiovaara (alli.wartiovaara at helsinki.fi)