HEX-konferenssi 2021 || HEX-konferenssi 2020 || Opetus
Tulevat tapahtumat 2025
Ti 4.3. (14-16/Päätalo A4): Virva Liski: Studying war, unequality and experience. UnWar -project outline with some preliminary results
Ma-ke 10-12.3/Tampereen yliopisto, Linna: HEX Konferenssi – Historicizing Experiences
Ti 18.3. (14-16/Päätalo A4): Amalie Lyngsted: ”Home, Home, my dear Home…”: examining the experiences of children and youth growing up in care 1900-1920
Ti 1.4. (14-16/Päätalo A4): Tua Helve: Performing arts, material culture & history of experience
Ti 22.4. (14-16/Päätalo A4): Heather Ellis: Food for Thought: Oral Histories and Communities of Experience in the UK School Meals Service, 1945-2010
Ti 29.4. (14-16/Päätalo A4): Emma Zohar: Emotional Bridging and the Making of Jewish Diasporic Emotional Community
Ke-la 7.-10.5./Tampereen yliopisto: Pohjoismainen työväenhistoria -konferenssi, Tampereen yliopisto
Ti 20.5. (14-16/B3109): Riikka Miettinen & Jenni Kuuliala: Marginalized experience
Rose-Marie Peake & Tuomas Harviainen: Queering experience – experiencing queer
Ti 27.5. (14-16/B3109): Julia Heinemann: TBA
Daniel Blackie, Jenni Kuuliala, Godelinde Perk & Riikka Miettinen: Lived Religion and the Changing Meaning(s) of Disability from the Late Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution -project
Menneet tapahtumat 2025
Ti 18.2. (14-16/B3109): Raisa Toivo: “I rejoice in the Lord as if I was with you…”: Experience, Embodiment and the Jesuit Mission to Sweden
Ti 11.2. (14-16/B3109): Daniel Blackie: A hot crown and a one-legged man in the Age of Abolition
Ti 4.2. (14-16/B4116): Karolina Kulpa (University of Warsaw): Social Sympathy in the Context of Populist Modernism: A Study of Debates in the Polish Literary Press During the Interwar Period (Preliminary Results)
Ti 21.1. (14-16): Kauden avaus + Tanja Vahtikari (HEX): The maternity package and the materialized experience of the Finnish welfare state (B3109)
Menneet tapahtumat 2024
Ti 10.12. (11.30-13.30): Joululounas ja kauden päätös (Ravintola Frenckell)
Ma 2.12 (9-16.15): Kuulluksi seminaari (Nokia Arena, Paidia/osassa ohjelmaa etämahdollisuus) Lisätietoja & ilmoittautuminen: https://projects.tuni.fi/kuulluksi/kuulluksi-seminaari/
Ti 12.11. (14-16): Biographical Approaches to the History of (Experience in) Early Modern Societies (Pinni B3108)
Ti 5.11. (14-16): HEX Handbook kutsuluento: Friends among the dead: how to write about experience in historical research Tiffany Watt Smith (Queen Mary, University of London) (Päätalo A206 A4)
To 31.10 (11.30-12.00): Lastenkulttuuri foorumi, Antti Malinen: Miten taide ja osallisuutta tukeva kulttuuri rakentavat kivijalan hyvälle elämälle? (Vantaa)
Ti 29.10. (14-16): Lived Religion -tapaaminen
Ti 22.10. (14-16): Joseph Prestel (University of Berlin): Contested Solidarity: Global Politics and Palestinians’ Experience in West Germany, 1960s-1980s (Verkkoseminaari)
Ma 14.10. (13-17): Henkilöhistoria varhaismodernin ajan tutkimusmenetelmänä -seminaari & kirjanjulkistus (Pinni B3109) (edellyttää ennakkoilmoittautumisen) Lisätietoja, ilmoittautuminen ja ohjelma: Henkilöhistoria varhaismodernin historian tutkimuksena | Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisö (tuni.fi)
Ke 9.10. (17-19): ”Lived Resistance against the War on Palestinian Children” kirjanjulkistamistilaisuus (Päätalo, Cafe Toivo) (edellyttää ennakkoilmoittautumisen) Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautuminen: https://research.tuni.fi/hex/event/book-launch-lived-resistance-against-the-war-on-palestinian-children/
Ti 8.10. (14-16): Carmen Chamarro Santamatilde (University of Madrid): Fatherhood in 19th Century Spain (Pinni B4113)
Ti 8.10 (12-14): Lived Religion -ryhmän kokoontuminen (Pinni B3112)
Ti 1.10. (14.30-15.45): Tessa Whitehouse (Tampere University/HEX): Multifaith London in 1730 – Sites and Sources (Pinni B4113)
Ti 24.9. (14-16): Andreas Grini (University of Trondheim): How did national socialists, Norwegian and German, view the Sami? (Pinni B4113)
Ti 17.9. (14-16): Beth Marsden (Australian National University): Children’s School Journeys: Experiences of Mobility for Education
Jiří Smlsal (Charles University, Prague): “Workers don´t belong incamps!” Delegitimization of Forced Labour Camps in Czechoslovakia.(Pinni B1096)
Ti 17.9. (13-14): Lived Welfare -ryhmän kokoontuminen (Pinni B3112)
Ti 10.9. (14-16): Syksyn avausseminaari + Tom Devaney (University of Rochester): ”On the Eve of Empire: Love and Rancor in Fifteenth-Century Castile.” (Pinni B1096)
Ti 28.5 (10-14): HEX-avainkäsitetyöpaja ja kauden päätös (Museokeskus Vapriikki)
To-pe 23-24.5.: Exploring Historical War Experiences through Digital Sources and Methodologies Workshop – Ohjelma ja lisätietoja
Ti 14.5 (14-16): Karen McCluskey: Experiencing Book of Hours: Manuscripts as Cognitive Environments (verkkoseminaari)
Ti 7.5. (14-16): Ranjana Saha: Medicine, Mothercraft & Materialities: ’Scientific’ Motherhood Advice in Colonial Bengal (Linna K108)
Ti 9.4. (14-16): Sinikka Selin: Children’s and young people’s readings of Finnish identity and European integration in the early 1990s (Linna K108)
Ti 26.3 (14.15-16): Lived religion seminar: Ongoing trends in the field (Pinni B 3112)
Ti 19.3. (14-16): Konferenssin palautetapaaminen (Pinni B4116)
Ma-ke 11-13.3.: HEX-konferenssi – Memory, Temporality and Experience
Konferenssin verkkosivut
Ti 5.3. (14-16): Saku Pihko: Belief as Experience. Lived Religion and the Process of Believing in Medieval Inquisition Records (Pinni B4116)
To 15.2. (16-18): Katie Barclay: Intergenerational Emotions and Family History: Temporal Feelings and National Stories (Pinni B1096)
Ti 13.2. (14-16): Lived Institutions as History of Experience -kirjan julkistamistilaisuus (Pinni B4116)
Ti 6.2. (13-14): Sara Honarmand-Ebrahimi: Constructing a Design Team’s Lived Experiences of Internationalism (Linna K110)
Thu-Fri 1-2 Feb: Experiencing the Nation – New Theoretical and Methodological Approaches in Historical Nationalism Studies. Finnland-Institut in Deutschland, Berlin.
Menneet tapahtumat 2023
Ti 14.12 (14.00-16.00): Disability & Lived Religion Workshop (Pinni B3032)
Ti 28.11. (14.00-16.00): Daniel Blackie: Disability Experience (Linna K109)
To 23.11.: Expectations and Uncertainties: Liminal Experiences in the Baltic Sea Region in the Early 1990s Workshop (Tampereen yliopisto, Päätalon auditorio A4)
Työpajan kuvaus & Ohjelma
Ti 21.11. (14.00-16.00): Godelinde Perk: Translating Saints: Memory and the Liturgies of Virgin Martyrs in the Diepenveen Sister-book (Linna K109)
Ti 7.11. (14.00-16.00): Ville Kivimäki: Emotions and the History of Experience (yhteisartikkeli Kerstin Pahl´n kanssa) (Linna K109)
Ti 24.10.: HEX-työpaja – “Lived Experience”
Ke 18.10. (12.15-14.00): Lived religion-meeting: Time and temporality (Pinni B3108)
Ti 10.10. (14.00-16.00): Kamilla Matthiassen: The Women of Christianshavn
Life conditions of the prisoners in the Penal Institution of Christianshavn, 1865-1879
(Pinni B3110)
Ti 3.10. (14.00-16.00): Silke Neunsinger (Swedish Labour Movement’s Archives and Library): Minimum wages in the Indian Bidi Industry – a journey from Ahmedabad to Geneva (Linna K110)
To 21.9. (14.00-16.00): Lived religion seminar: Lauri Moilanen (University of Oulu): Religious distress among suicidal murderers in early modern Finland (Pinni B 3108)
Ti 12.9. (14.15.-16.00): Miia Kuha: 17th-century Lutheran pastors’ wives as a community of experience (B 4113)
Ti 29.8.: Syyskauden avausseminaari
Ke-To 7.-8.6.: Outsiders, Outcasts and Eccentrics: Experiences of Deviancy and Deviant Experiences Workshop.
Ti 30.5 (9.30-12.30): Materiaalisuus ja kokemus -työpaja
Ti 23.5. (14.00-16.00): Teresa Willenborg: Children between Poland and Germany. Social welfare for unaccompanied German children in Post-War Poland
Victoria Bates: Sensing Spaces of Healthcare: Rethinking the NHS [National Health Service] Hospital
Ti-Ke 9.-10.5.: HEX Art & Lived Religion Workshop
Ti 9.5. (16.00-17.00): HEX-luentosarja – Rob Boddice: Pain: A Sensational history of Knowledge and Experience
Ma-Ti 24.-25.4.: Children, Media and Communication: New Histories of Experience Workshop Lisätietoja, ohjelma & rekisteröityminen: https://research.tuni.fi/hex-fi/tapahtuma/workshop-children-media-and-communication-new-histories-of-experience/
Pe 21.4.: Pappiloiden naiset -työpaja
Ti 18.4. (16.00-17.00): HEX-luentosarja – Caitriona Beaumont, Eve Colpus & Ruth Davidson: The Experience of Collective Working: the principles and practice of developing an edited collection
Ti 18.4 (14.00-15.30): Pirjo Markkola – Education as Lived Welfare. A History of Experience Perspective on Children and the Welfare State
To 13.4. (12.00-13.00): HEX-luentosarja – Karen McCluskey: (Dis)Ability in Art: ancient, medieval, modern
Ti 4.4. (14.00-16.00): Caitriona Beaumont, Eve Colpus & Ruth Davidson: Histories of Welfare in Modern Britain: Experiential Expertise, Action and Activismhttps://research.tuni.fi/hex-fi/tapahtuma/workshop-children-media-and-communication-new-histories-of-experience/
Ti 28.3. (14.00-16.00): Aapo Roselius & Tuomas Tepora: The end of the Cold War and Finland´s new “near abroad”: The changing mental landscape and the memory of the Second World War
Ti 21.3. (14.00-16.00): Mette Buchardt & Sophy Bergenheim: Educating newcomers to the welfare state. Organizational responses to migration 1960s-2010s and their influence on Danish central policy
Pe 3.3. Mar (14.00-15.30): Lived religion and Cultural Scripts -Workshop (verkkoseminaari)
Ti 21.2.: HEX & Narrare Workshop
- Mari Hatavara (narrative studies): master and counter narratives
- Marja Jalava (history): master and counter narratives
- Matti Hyvärinen (narrative studies): cultural scripts
- Sari Katajala-Peltomaa (history): cultural scripts
Ti 14.2. (16.00-17.00): HEX-luentosarja – Päivi Räisänen-Shröder: Experiencing and doing religion in 16th century Germany
Ti 14.2. (14.00-16.00): Tinashe Muskahavanhu: The Stone Philosophers
Ti 7.2. (14.00-16.00): Jasmina Korczak: Protestant peasants in early-modern Poland
Pierre-Marie Delpu: Experiencing Martyrdom and becoming a Martyr. Political Martyr’s Last Words (Southern Europe 1840s-1860s)
Ma 30.1. (12.00-14.00): Lived Religion – Lived Theology -Workshop
Pe 27.1. (12.00-17.00): Season Kick-off + Memory & Experience -Workshop
Ti 10.1. (16.00-17.00): HEX-luentosarja – Mari Eyice: Aches and ailments: bodily discomfort and the experience of dis/ability in 17th century Sweden
Menneet tapahtumat 2022
Ti. 29.11.: Tomasz Wislicz: Early modern catholic discourse on visionary experience in cross-religious and diachronic perspectives
Louise Settle: Mass Observation and Women’s Experiences of Emotional Labour during the 1990s in Britain
Ma 28.11.: Minorities and the History of Lived Religion -Workshop
Ti 15.11.: Ian Miller: Experiencing the Politics of Self-Esteem in Post-War America
Ella Viitaniemi: Experiencing the short-term jobs in early modern Swedish realm
Ti 8.11.: Ville Vuolanto: Experience, and Enslavement of a Child in Late Roman Egypt
Ofer Idels: Jewish life in Modern Palestine and the Hebrew Revolutionary Experience: History, Historiography and Methodology
Ma 7.11.: Lived religion, experience and embodied geographies in prison life Workshop
Ma-Ti 31.10-1.11.: Analyzing narratives and experience in history -Workshop. Katso lisätietoja täältä
Ti 25.10.: Digital handbook of the history of experience -julkistamistilaisuus
Ti 18.10.: Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi: ”Centring Emotions in Architectural Historiographies of Modern European Imperialism”
Pe 30.9: Kuulluksi-workshop
Ke 28.9.: Kirjanjulkistustilaisuus: Rob Boddice – Tunteiden historia (Työväenmuseo Werstas, Väinö Linnan aukio 8, Tampere)
Ti 13.9.: Simon Sleight: ’From ”agency” to ”experience”: deeds and words in the histories of childhood and youth’
Tessa Whitehouse: Letter-Writing, life-cycle events, and the daily faith
To-Pe 8.-9.9.: Everyday Emotional and Sensory Materialities – Workshop. Katso lisätietoja täältä
Ti 6.9.: Seminaarikauden avaus
Ti 7.6, 14-16: DolorèsMartin Moruno – ’The Experience of Black Nurse during the Long Second World War: Salaria Kea O’Reilly’ (kirjan luku)
To 2.6, 17-20: The Future of Social History – Professori Emeritus Pertti Haapalan juhlaseminaari
Ti 17.5, 14-16: Klaus Petersen ja Cecilie Bjerre – ”Our history” – a Citizen Science project on historical experiences of the family revolution (ca. 1960-1980) in Denmark
Ke 11.5, 15-17: HEX-väitöskirjaseminaari – Jenni Räikkönen & Riikka Suominen (kommentaattorina Whitney Wood)
Ti 3.5, 14-16: Tuomas Laine-Frigren – Ask the Doctor: Mental Hygiene Among the Young in Fin-de-Siècle Finland
Ti 12.4, 14-16: Whitney Wood – Sensory Histories of Childbirth in Twentieth-Century Canada
Ti 5.4, 14-16: Kate Bradley – Connecting the Disconnected: Technology, advice, and civil rights in Britain, 1950-2000 – a research update.
Ti 15.3. 14-16: HEX-posteriseminaari
Ti 8.3. 14-16: Mikkel Thelle – ”Experiencing public space. Interpellation and sonic territories in Copenhagen around 1900″
Ti 22.2. 14-16: Karen McCluskey – “HEXart: an exploration of the intersection of the History of Experience and Art History”
Ti 15.2, 14-16: Sari Katajala-Peltomaa – Eletty usko keskiajan Suomessa – projektiesittely
Ti 8.2, 14-16: Oana Cojocaru – Childhood and Experiences of Disability in Byzantium
Ti 18.1, 14-16: Kevätkauden avaus
Menneet tapahtumat 2021
Ti 7.12. 14-16: Hanna Lindberg, Minorities and disadvantaged group
Ti 30.11. 14-16: Riikka Miettinen & Kirsi Kanerva – Experiencing Anxieties in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe – kirjan johdantoluonnos
Ti 23.11. 14-16: Katrine Rønsig Larsen – ”Emotional Echoes as an Analytical Tool, and Collective Experiences of Family Violence in Denmark, 1970-2020 ”
Ti 16.11. 14-16: Otso Kortekangas (Postdoctoral researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) – ”Indigenous avant la lettre. The origins and livelihoods of the Sámi in Nordic scholarly thought 1930–1960” (organized in cooperation with Tanja Vahtikari’s project “Baby Box as an Emotional Object”)
Ti 2.11. 14-16: Ville Kivimäki, Risto Turunen & Ilari Taskinen – History of experience & digital humanities
Ti 26.10. 14-16: Ulla Ijäs: ”A rural priest in the 19th-century Finland:sources and the history of experience”
Ti 12.10. 14-16: HEX Publication Strategy seminar
Ti 5.10. 14-16: Tuomas Tepora: Project introduction. A Dim Light of Dawn: Finnish Post-Cold War Experiences Between East and West, 1989–1995
Ti 21.9. 14-16: Johanna Annola & Katariina Parhi: ”Dead-end work: Historical explorations of life in confinement, 1800s-1980s”
Ma 7.6. 14-16: Thomas Devaney – “A noise that seems as if it will shake the world apart”: auditory perception
and emotional experience in early modern Spain
Ma 10.5. 14-16: Klaus Petersen & Johanna Sköld – Inquiries, truth commissions and the politics of history
Ma 19.4. 14-16: Kate Bradley – Connecting the Disconnected: Technology, Advice, and Civil Rights in Britain, 1950-2000
Ma 22.3. 14-16: Anna Rajavuori – Dressed as a Socialist. Deputy Speaker Yrjö Sirola’s Performance in the Opening of the Parliament 1908
Ma 15.3. 14-16:Konferenssin palautekeskustelu + Wiktor Marzec – Landed Nation. Land Reform and Ethnic Diversity in the Interwar Polish Parliament
8.-12.3.: HEX-konferenssi
Ma 22.2. 14-16: Heikki Kokko & Minna Harjula – Sediments, layers and scenes: A social science history approach to experiences
Ma 8.2. 14-16: Kalle Kananoja – “Many dangers lurk in the tropics” – Lived medicine in twentieth-century Owamboland
Ma 1.2. 14-16: HEXin uudet teokset (julkistustilaisuus): Rob Boddice – Humane Professions & Sari Katajala-Peltomaa – Demonic Possession and Lived Religion in Later Medieval Europe
Ma 25.1. 14-16: Heidi Morrison – Introduction: Lived Resistance: Interrupting Unchilding in Palestine
To 14.1. 14-16: Seminaarikauden avaus + Claudia Eggart – ‘People Pointed a Finger at Us’. Shame and Pride in the Biographies of Female Shuttle Traders in Post-Soviet Russia
Menneet tapahtumat 2020
Ma 14.12. 14-16: Ismay Milford – Moral Re-armament in East Africa: Decolonisation, the Cold War and a spiritual retreat in the Swiss Alps
To 10.12. 12-14: Mari Eyice – The outer periphery of empathy. Disability and emotional practices in early modern Sweden
Ma 7.12 14-16: Rob Boddice
Ma 30.11 14-16: Raisa Toivo & Sari Katajala-Peltomaa – Lived Religion, Introduction
Ma 23.11. 14-16: Ville Kivimäki – Experiencing Trauma Before Trauma. Posttraumatic Memory Among the Finnish Soldiers in the 1940s and 1950s
Ma 2.11. 14-16: Tanja Vahtikari – Project presentation: Baby Box as an Emotional Object: the Sociomaterial Experiences of the Finnish Welfare State from the 1930s to the Present
Ma 26.10. 14-16: Sigríður Matthíasdóttir – Agency and Everyday Experiences of an East Icelandic Migrant and Entrepreneur Pálína Waage´s “Lived Religion” and “Lived Nationalism”
ma 5.10. klo 14-16: Heidi Morrison & Per Ashorn – ”Historians and Medical Scientists Doing Collaborative Work: An Open Conversation”
ma 28.9. klo 14-16: Tuomas Laine-Frigren – Children on the Move. The Readjustment of Child Evacuees Returning to Finland After World War II
ma 7.9. klo 12-16: syyskauden avaustapaaminen – museokeskus Vapriikki
ma 18.5. klo 10-12: Johanna Annola, Minna Harjula & Hanna Lindberg – Cleaning Up the North -projekti (Teams)
ma 4.5. klo 10-12: Raisa Toivo & Sari Katajala-Peltomaa: Gender and Lived Religion in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Teams)
ma 20.4. klo 10-12: HEX-konferenssi 2020 palautekeskustelu (Teams)
ma 6.4. klo 10-12: Ville Kivimäki, Sami Suodenjoki & Tanja Vahtikari. Lived Nation -projekti (Teams)
ma 9.3. klo 10-12: Heidi Morrison, guest lecture ”Narrations of Survival – The Impact of Being Occupied on Palestinian Children”, Linna 5026
ma-ke 2.-4.3. klo 10-12: kansainvälinen HEX-konferenssi ”History of Experience: Methodologies and Practices”, Tampereen yliopisto.
ma 10.2. klo 10-12: Miia Kuha: ”Parish clergy in the diocese of Vyborg 1650-1710: Career and position in the local community”
ma 27.1. klo 10-12: Reetta Eiranen, postdoc-projekti ”Emotions in Ambivalent Nationalisms”
ma 13.1. klo 10-12: HEX-työpaja
Menneet tapahtumat 2019
ma 9.12. klo 16-18: HEX-pikkujoulut
ma 9.12. klo 10-12: HEX-työpaja: Rob Boddice, ”Experience without foundations, or the perils of empathy”
ma 25.11. klo 14-16: HEX-työpaja, Rose-Marie Peake, ”’Fallen Women’ and Queer Revelations in Catholic Reformation France: Project Presentation”
ma 11.11. klo 10- : NIOD vierailee HEX:ssä
ke 13.11. klo 15-17: HEX-seminaari, Ville Kivimäki, ”Nocturnal Nation: Posttraumatic Nightmares in Finland after World War II”
ma 4.11. klo 14-16: HEX-työpaja, kokemus-käsitteet IV
ma 14.10. klo 14-16: HEX-työpaja, kokemus-käsitteet III
ke 9.10. klo 15-17: HEX-vierailu tutkijaseminaarissa, Rose-Marie Peake
ma 16.9. klo 14-16: HEX-työpaja, Narrare ja Kokemuksen tutkimuksen verkosto vierailevat
ke 21.8. – pe 23.8. Konferenssi ”Experiences of Dis/ability from the Late Middle Ages to the Mid-Twentieth Century”. Lisätietoja ja ohjelma: https://events.uta.fi/disabilityexperience2019/
ma 10.6. klo 12-14: HEX-työpaja, kokemus-käsitteet II
ti 4.6. Uskon henkilökohtaistaminen historiassa -workshop
ma 27.5. klo 14-16: HEX-työpaja, kokemus-käsitteet I
ke 8.5. klo 15-17: HEX-vierailu tutkijaseminaarissa, Minna Harjula, ”Kun kansalainen kohtasi hyvinvointivaltion: suomalaisten sosiaalivirastojen kokemushistoriaa 1940-1980-luvuilla”
ma 29.4. klo 12-14: HEX-työpaja, Ville Kivimäki, ”Feeling the Fatherland. Finnish Soldiers’ Lyrical Attachments to the Nation during the Second World War”
ke 3.4. klo 15-17: HEX-vierailu tutkijaseminaarissa, Sami Suodenjoki, ”Arkkiveisut työväen kumouskokemusten mobilisoijina”
ma 25.3. klo 14-16: HEX-työpaja, Antti Malinen, ”Kaverit, koirat ja joenmutkat. Lasten emotionaaliset turvapaikat ja niiden saavutettavuus 1940–50-lukujen Suomessa”
ma-ti 4.-5.3. HEX-konferenssi, History of Experience: Theories, Methodologies, and Concepts