Conference 2007

18th–19th October 2007

“Building physics has risen to be an essential part of modern day construction. For example, moisture damages and mould problems, as wells as tightening energy efficiency goals have caused a situation, where the building industry continuously needs new information on the results of building physics research and good practical solutions.”

With these words the very first Finnish Building Physics Conference was opened. In the two-day event there were 38 presentations on current topics in building physics and 266 participants.

Keynote-presentations are available for download (only Keynote 1 in English):

Keynote 1. Professor Hugo Hens, KU Leuven, Belgium: Does heat, air, moisture modelling really help in solving hygrothermal problems?

Keynote 2. Senior Engineer Pekka Kalliomäki, Ministry of the Environment, Finland: Uudet rakennusten energiamääräykset ja energiatodistus

Keynote 3. Professor Ralf Lindberg, TUT, Finland: Tiedämmekö miten talot kuluttavat energiaa?

View photos from the Conference (flickr).