FRAME - Future Envelope Assemblies and HVAC Solutions

The main goals of the FRAME-project were to identify effects of climate change and increased thermal insulation on moisture performance of envelope assemblies, energy consumption of buildings and indoor air climate. The critical climatological test years, which are used to evaluate the moisture performance of envelope assemblies, were determined in both present and future Finnish climates. A new mould growth model was used. Two reports were published (in Finnish).

FRAME was a cooperation project. Analyses related to moisture management of building processes were performed by TUNI construction management and economics research group as well as Mittaviiva Ltd. Analyses related to energy consumption and indoor air conditions were performed by the Department of Energy Technology of Aalto University. International partner universities were Chalmers and Lund in Sweden and Dresden in Germany.

Research period was January 1st 2010 – September 30th 2012. The project was funded by TEKES, Ministry of the Environment, CFCI and several companies.


Research report 159: Ilmastonmuutoksen ja lämmöneristyksen lisäyksen vaikutukset vaipparakenteiden kosteusteknisessä toiminnassa ja rakennusten energiankulutuksessa. (Effects of Climate Change and Increasing of Thermal Insulation on Moisture Performance of Envelope Assemblies and Energy Consumption of Buildings.)

Research report 160: Matalaenergia- ja passiivitalojen rakenteiden ja liitosten suunnittelu- ja toteutusohjeita. (Design and Execution Instructions for Low Energy and Passive House Structures and Joints.)

Closing workshop of FRAME-project

This closing workshop was open for public and was held on 8th of November 2012. Presentations and video recordings are available below.

More about FRAME in Finnish on the website of Confederation Finnish Construction Industries

PowerPoint presentations of the final workshop of FRAME (in Finnish)

FRAME-projektin päätösseminaarin ohjelma (Programme)

Avaus ja FRAME-projektin esittely, Juha Vinha, TTY (Introduction to FRAME-project)

Rakennusten energiankulutus muuttuvassa ilmastossa, Juha Jokisalo, Aalto-yliopisto (Energy consumption of buildings in changing climate)

Rakennusprosessin kosteudenhallinta, Olli Teriö, TTY (Moisture management in building process)

Betonijulkisivujen toiminta, Jukka Lahdensivu, TTY (Functionality of concrete façade)

Puurunkoisten ulkoseinärakenteiden toiminta, Mikael Mäkitalo, TTY (Hygrothermal performance of timber-framed exterior wall)

Sisäpuolelta eristettyjen massiivirakenteiden toiminta, Sakari Nurmi, TTY (Hygrothermal performance of solid built-in frames with inner insulation)

Tuuletettujen yläpohjien toiminta, Anssi Laukkarinen, TTY (Hygrothermal performance of ventilated roofs)

Ryömintätilaisten alapohjien toiminta, Anssi Laukkarinen, TTY (Hygrothermal performance of ventilated base floors)

Ikkunoiden toiminta, Paavo Kero, TTY (Windows)

Ulkoseinien sisäinen konvektio, Petteri Huttunen, TTY (Internal convection of exterior walls)

Yläpohjien sisäinen konvektio, Tomi Pakkanen, TTY (Internal convection of roofs)

Suunnittelu- ja toteutusohjeet matalaenergia- ja passiivirakenteille ja liitoksille, Elina Manelius, TTY (Design and execution instructions for low energy and passive house structures and joints)

Yhteenveto ja johtopäätökset FRAME-projektin tuloksista, Juha Vinha, TTY (Summary and conclusions)

Live recordings (in Finnish)

Live recordings of those presenters who gave permission to publish their presentation. Small parts may be missing at the beginnings of the presentations due to the recording cutting off and restarting.

Avaus ja FRAME-projektin esittely, Juha Vinha, TTY (Introduction to FRAME-project)

Rakennusten energiankulutus muuttuvassa ilmastossa, Juha Jokisalo, Aalto-yliopisto (Energy consumption of buildings in changing climate)

Rakennusprosessin kosteudenhallinta, Olli Teriö, TTY (Moisture management in building process)

Betonirakenteiden toiminta, Jukka Lahdensivu, TTY (Functionality of concrete façade)

Sisäpuolelta eristettyjen massiivirakenteiden toiminta, Sakari Nurmi, TTY (Hygrothermal performance of solid built-in frames with inner insulation)

Tuuletettujen yläpohjien toiminta ja ryömintätilaisten alapohjien toiminta, Anssi Laukkarinen, TTY (Hygrothermal performance of ventilated roofs and ventilated base floors)

Ikkunoiden toiminta, Paavo Kero, TTY (Windows + discussion, including questions posed in virtual workshop)

Ulkoseinien sisäinen konvektio, Petteri Huttunen, TTY (Internal convection of exterior walls)

Suunnittelu- ja toteutusohjeet matalaenergia- ja passiivirakenteille ja liitoksille, Elina Manelius, TTY (Design and execution instructions for low energy and passive house structures and joints)

Yhteenveto ja johtopäätökset FRAME-projektin tuloksista, Juha Vinha, TTY (Summary and conclusions + end discussion)