22nd–24th of October 2013, programme
The three-day Conference gathered together nearly 400 professionals in the field of construction.
In addition to the presentations, the Finnish Award for Moisture-safe Building Construction was awarded for the first time. The criteria were quality, innovation, technical functionality, as well as ecological and economic merits. The winner was “Termotuote-sokkelinkorjausjärjestelmä” (a type of foundation repair system) from Takotek Oy. The award was accepted by Ahti Hakala, Risto Laukka, Juha-Pekka Kumpulainen ja Pekka Puhto.
“The ability to be reformed is required from the entire construction industry. Climate change increases the moisture stress on structures, and at the same time the energy regulations on new and repair construction make the structures more prone to errors. The award is expected to encourage the industry to increase innovation activities, so in 30 years time we do not have to regret the mistakes we make now,” said Professor Juha Vinha as he announced the winner.
In addition, two distinctions were given: One to Tampere University of Technology (the service life engineering of structures research group) for the study on evaluating state-subsidized mould renovation projects and developing new means to simplify renovation planning. The other distinction was given to Juha Komonen from Vahanen for the best presentation on moisture-safety at construction sites. The fourth finalist was Hanna Tenhu from Finnish Defence Forces Veterinary Clinic and her presentation on the quality verification of a mould dog programme.
Keynote-presentations are available for download (Keynotes 1 and 2 in English):
Keynote 1. Professor Jesper Arfvidsson, Lund University, Sweden: Moisture safety in highly insulated constructions
Keynote 2. John Grunewald, TU Dresden, Germany: Current building physical topics and challenges in Germany
Keynote 3. Chairwoman of Parliament control board, Tuija Brax, Finland: Havaintoja eduskunnan tarkastusvaliokunnan työstä home- ja sisäilmaongelmien parissa