Marja Hekkala mukana julkaisussa 'Sociological Diaries of Students: Lived Curriculum in the Time of Disaster' (Suoranta ym. 2023)

MARGIn Marja Hekkala on mukana Juha Suorannan johdolla kirjoitetussa yhteisjulkaisussa Sociological Diaries of Students: Lived Curriculum in the Time of Disaster. Teksti on julkaistu osana kokoomateosta Handbook of Curriculum Theory and Research (2023, toim. P. P. Trifonas & S. Jagger).

Artikkelin abstrakti:

In this chapter, we reflect on the concept of a lived curriculum from our students’ perspectives and ourselves as university teachers. The general aim of the paper is to examine the unprecedented condition surrounding our lives during the university lockdown in the Covid-19 Spring 2020. Furthermore, drawing from our observations and our students’ reflective testimonies (personal experience narratives), we contrast the formal strategies and visions of the university’s performance- and competence-based curriculum thinking to our daily practices as teachers and sociology students. We ponder our lived experience and coexistence, our lives as teachers and students during the corona outbreak in Spring 2020.


Suoranta, Juha & Pyyhtinen, Olli & Ahoketu, Perttu & Dufva, Rosa & Havu, Sauli & Hekkala, Marja & Järvinen, Tuomas & Kaipainen, Satu & Kontio, Saara & Lepistö, Ella & Lintunen, Maija & Matilainen, Reetta & Saukkonen, Roosa & Seppälä, Milla (2023) Sociological Diaries of Students: Lived Curriculum in the Time of Disaster. In Peter Pericles Trifonas & Susan Jagger (eds.) Handbook of Curriculum Theory and Research. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.