TACCU organizes accessibility education based on the recent research. We offer a total of 30 credits study module for our students to complete.

Digital education study module: Accessibility in a Digital Society (total of 30 ECTS credits)

Accessibility in a Digital Society is a flexible study module taught entire online via accessible learning tools. It offers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary view on various aspects of accessibility in society, presenting both practical and theoretical perspectives into topics such as web accessibility, image, video and audio description, plain language, accessibility and user experience research as well as accessibility and art, games and AI.


Digital education course: Fundamentals of Accessibility (5 ECTS credits)

The course gives an overview of how accessibility can be taken into account in everyday communication and digital services. The topics covered in the course include: introduction to the interlingual and intermodal methods of translation and interpreting in producing accessibility services, such as subtitling, audio description, sign-language and print interpreting, environmental description, accessibility technologies, needs of different groups and stakeholders, and principles of legislation.


General introduction and orientation
Legislation and policies
Users: Cognitive impairments
Users: Sensory impairments
Accessible culture and communication
Making content accessible
Accessible human-technology interaction
Assistive technologies and adaptive strategies
Accessibility and user experience
Web accessibility

Selection of 1-credit courses: Methods and technologies for accessibility and their evaluation (1-28 ECTS credits)

This course selection entails a selection of 1-credit units focusing on different accessibility topics, such as easy language, media and legislation. The student is free to select a desired number of units; yet, in order to complete the 20-credit module, Accessibility in Digital Society, a total of 10 units (i.e. 10 credits) need to be completed. Names of different modules as well as their descriptions can be found by clicking the title.

Project Work: Independent Accessibility Project Work (5 ECTS credits)

During the course, you will carry out a project individually or in groups (you have to find your own group). The project can relate to, for example, the evaluation of a website or making a cultural event accessible. We have a set of enthusiastic stakeholders with whom you can work with, or you can have your own partner/company as a collaboration partner. The project can be done in English or in Finnish depending on your partner.

If you have any questions contact:

Pauliina Baltzar

  • University Instructor
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358504478234
  • pauliina.baltzar@tuni.fi