Types of legislation and policies, types of accessibility
United Nations – Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
Standards and guidelines, EU Legislation, legislation and policies in Finland
Liability of technology manufacturers or service providers
3. Users: Sensory impairments
Visual impairments
Auditory impairments
Physical impairments
4. Users: Cognitive impairment
Linguistic and cognitive accessibility
Easy and plain language
User groups (intellectual disability, dementia, ASD, aphasia, dyslexia)
5. Accessible culture and communication
Accessible communication (easy spoken interaction)
Accessible culture: forms of accessibility, policies, practices
6. Making content accessible
Methods of intralingual and interlingual translation for the conversion of speech to text and text to speech and the adaptation of language and localisation
Methods of intermodal and -semiotic translation for the conversion of visual and auditory information to verbal or vice versa
7. Accessible human-technology interaction
Basics of human-technology interaction
Enabling technologies: speech, haptics, gestures, gaze and others
Examples of accessibility solutions
8. Assistive technologies and adaptive strategies
Accessibility features and accessibility barriers
Assistive technologies
Adaptive strategies
9. Accessibility and user experience
User experience evaluation of interactive applications (e.g., SUXES method)
Field studies with special user groups (e.g., SymbolChat, Voice cotrolled TV)
Assessing experiences of individuals with developmental disabilities with interactive applications (behavorial observations, data triangulation, stakeholder interviews)
Field studies with children with developmental disabilities (examples from previous research)
10. Web accessibility
Accessibility features and accessibility barriers on the web
The impact of accessible and inaccessible Web design on people’s lives around the world
Web documents and understandable Web content
Web documents and basics of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Overview to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) (e.g. Alt text, captions, keyboard navigation and focus, roles)