Disabled persons’ digital and technological inclusion in the Finnish society: Subjective experiences

(2021, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation)

Post-doctoral research on adults with visual or hearing impairments or physical disabilities: What kind of (digitality-related) challenges they face? On what level they feel included in the Finnish society?
(Finnish title: Vammaisten ihmisten digitaalinen ja teknologinen osallisuus suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa: Subjektiivisia kokemuksia)
Tuuli Keskinen

BERT –  Breaking Education Barriers – Inclusion, Rehabilitation and Technology


Project to enhance the capacity of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in East Africa to break down barriers hindering full inclusion of persons with disabilities into society in the digital era in the educational landscape.

Markku Turunen, Tero Avellan, Tuuli Keskinen, Pauliina Baltzar, Elmeri Sunikka

Verkostoyhteistyöllä vauhtia tekoälypohjaisten virtuaaliteknologioiden saavutettavuuteen kuntoutuksessa


Markku Turunen, Veikko Surakka, Ilmari Jyskä, Hanna Venesvirta, Tero Avellan

Smart Campus

The smart campuses and their ecosystems will also accelerate the development of innovative digital solutions, which are based on the 6G mobile network and other new technologies and geared for entry into the international market.

Markku Turunen, Tero Avellan



Development and piloting of accessible public transportation services for users with special needs.

Markku Turunen, Tuuli Keskinen, Tero Avellan

Human-Centered AI Solutions for the Smart City

(2019–2022, European Regional Development Fund)

Development and piloting of accessible public transportation services that make use of AI technologies.

Kaisa Väänänen, Roope Raisamo, Markku Turunen, Thomas Olsson


(2017 – 2020, Academy of Finland)

Multimodal Translation with the Blind. Advancing knowledge of audio description, multimodal interaction, and translation process via the study of teamwork between blind and sighted professionals.

Maija Hirvonen



Inclusive personalized learning environments for different learners in India. Learning environments for different users (including people with special needs) in India.

Markku Turunen

Haptic Gaze Interaction

(2012–2016, The Academy of Finland)

Research on combining haptic and gaze interaction, including accessible interaction methods for gaze typing, navigation support and similar applications.

Roope Raisamo, Poika Isokoski



From Audio Technology to Health Technology. Development of novel solutions for hard of hearing people.

Markku Turunen



Mobile Voice Service Deployment for Developing Countries: Case Rural India’s Bottom of the Pyramid. Development of ICT-services for the bottom of pyramid users in India, including people with special needs (e.g., people with cognitive disabilities).

Markku Turunen

DIYSE -Do It Yourself Smart Experiences


Development of novel solutions for people with cognitive disabilities.

Markku Turunen, Tuuli Keskinen

Haptic perception and interaction in mobile and multimodal contexts

(2009–2011, Tekes)

Research on haptics in multimodal systems: accessible touchscreens with haptic support, mobile haptic systems supporting the visually impaired. Collaboration with Stanford University and Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired.

Roope Raisamo, Veikko Surakka

Utilizing multimodal interaction technology to support learning and collaboration of visually impaired and sighted children

(2007–2010, The Academy of Finland)

Research on the support of inclusion of visually impaired children in learning and collaborating with their sighted peers. Continued the work started in MICOLE.

Roope Raisamo



Ambient Intelligence Based on Sound, Speech and Multisensor Interaction. Development and piloting of accessible entertainment applications for visually impaired users and people with physical disabilities.

Markku Turunen, Tuuli Keskinen

MICOLE: Multimodal collaboration environment for inclusion of visually impaired children

(2004–2007, European Commission, FP6 IST/eInclusion)

Research on the support of inclusion of visually impaired children in learning and collaborating with their sighted peers. Three-year STREP project with 13 partners from 8 countries.

Roope Raisamo

Multimodal user interfaces for visually impaired children

(2004–2006, Tekes, Nordic Development Centre for Rehabilitation Technology)

Focus on supporting the use of information technology for visually impaired children, including learning of 3-6-year-old children.

Roope Raisamo


(2003 – 2007)

New Methods and Applications of Speech Technology”. Development of public accessible public transportation solutions for people with special needs.

Markku Turunen

Proactive agents supporting children’s exploratory learning

(The Academy of Finland, 2002–2005)

Focus on supporting the use of information technology for visually impaired children, including learning of 3-6-year-old children. The learning environment was based on semi-intellgent proactive agents that supported exploratory learning with multimodal systems.

Roope Raisamo

Multimodal interface for persons with low vision and/or hearing impairment

(2001–2003, Nordic Development Centre for Rehabilitation Technology)

Funding to acquire SensAble Phantom Desktop device and to carry out constructive research where it was used to support people with low vision and/or hearing impairment.

Roope Raisamo

Project related contacts

Markku Turunen

  • Professor
  • vuorovaikutteinen teknologia
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
  • Tampere University
  • +358405339689
  • markku.turunen@tuni.fi