Make a donation to support our pioneering research and teaching that is helping to change the world.

Accessibility promotes equality

Accessibility enables the equal participation of people in different sectors of society regardless of their functional ability. The realisation of accessibility in society requires multidisciplinary research and increased research-based education in the field. As Tampere University’s multidisciplinary education and research hub on accessibility, we have made groundbreaking contributions to the development of accessible education.

By donating to accessibility research and education, you promote equality and participation in society.

By “accessibility” we mean the design of services and communication so that they suit the needs of as many people as possible. Accessibility enables people with and without disabilities to participate equally in different sections of society.

Accessibility of services in digital society is vitally important from the perspectives of equality, participation, and productivity. The realization of accessibility in society requires multidisciplinary research and the promotion of research-based education.

Tampere Accessibility Unit (TACCU) is a multidisciplinary unit that conducts accessibility-related research and education at Tampere University. TACCU has created an accessibility-related study module that is unique on an international scale. With the donation funds, we wish to reinforce TACCU’s activities by hiring experts and making education available to more and more people.

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