Over the Barriers: Towards an Accessible Everyday Life event on May 16th

The collage of four images features a woman in a wheelchair on the street with a coffee cup in her lap, a man with a guide dog and a white cane, a girl with her back turned wearing a backpack and headphones, and a woman in a wheelchair shopping for clothes with her friend.

We are organizing the Over the Barriers event at the Tampere University, in room Pinni B 1100, from 10 AM to 2 PM. Over the Barriers event will comprehensively address the accessibility of everyday life from various perspectives.

The event kicks off with a Dialogue session led by Intonators. Following that, we will hear from several experts discussing everyday accessibility, common pain points, and potential solutions. We will provide more detailed information about the speakers and speeches closer to the event.

We are implementing the event in a hybrid format and we will record it. The event is open to everyone free of charge. Welcome to join us!